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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

It’s widely known among the student population that almost everyone at Elon University seems to go abroad at some point during college. Elon prides itself on being the top masters-level school to send the greatest number of students abroad. And sure, studying abroad is undoubtedly a great experience, but not everyone can afford to give the time or money needed to pick up and fly across the ocean for five months. However, other experiences like Elon in LA or Elon in NYC are offered each year. These shorter, more cost effective programs are just as rewarding as going across the big pond. Here a few benefits of deciding to study USA:

There are no language barriers

Foreign languages might be romantic, and bilingualism is certainly a plus, but if you’re anything like me, learning new languages might not come so easily. Doing a Study USA program will eliminate the issue of language barriers and can give you more time to focus on activities like exploring the city and meeting new people rather than struggling with how to ask to use the bathroom.

Jet lag won’t destroy you

Coming back from a trip is always exhausting, but coming back from a different continent can be even more taxing. A benefit of studying in the US is that you won’t have to worry about adjusting to a huge time difference, and you’ll be able to jump back into your regular routine. Additionally, it’s much easier to keep in touch with friends and family when you’re located on the same continent.

Where you study might determine post-grad plans

When I studied in NYC last summer, I really wasn’t sure what to expect. At first I was uncertain about the city, but by the end of the trip I loved it and wanted to move there after graduation. A benefit of studying in a city in the US is that you might find a place you’d want to live in the future. You could even have a job lined up if you do an internship and it goes well.

Internship recommendations are easier

If you decided to do a program like Elon in LA or Elon in NYC, then you will most likely also be doing an internship. Everyone knows how competitive the job market is, so it’s good to have all the help you can get. A bonus of doing a study USA program through Elon is that you can get recommendations for certain internships through the school, making the process much easier.

Because not enough people travel across the US

So many people are stuck on the idea that the rest of the world is more important to see than our own country. Of course I highly encourage going abroad and seeing as much of the world as possible, but there is something to say for touring the homeland first. The vast range of cultures and landscapes found in the US is mind-blowing, and there is so much that can be learned just by traveling up a few states. Deciding to study in the US might seem less exotic, but the possibilities of whom you could meet, the jobs you could get, or the places you could discover by traveling inside our own country is pretty spectacular.