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Working Out at Duke

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

Let’s be honest. If you attend Duke, there’s a good chance that you have a workout compulsion. It may not be self-induced. It could be a result of the guilt you feel eating after finishing your delicious red velvet cupcake outside the loop, watching all the sweaty people returning from their workouts. Maybe it’s a way to negate your mixed drink (or two) from last night. Either way, it’s still there.  Regardless of your reason for exercising, it’s important to be sure that you’re going about it the right way to achieve the results you want.

  1.  First of all, many studies have shown that irregular exercising patterns can actually lead to weight gain (Disclaimer: I’m NOT telling you to stop exercising!). So next time, think twice about routinely skipping your run to put in those extra two hours of studying.  If you’re going to make the commitment each day/week, stick to it.
  2. Exercising on an empty stomach is not a good idea. Your friends may tell you that this could help you lose weight, but this isn’t true. You burn the same amount of calories and fat no matter how much food you’ve eaten. Besides the basics facts, blasting calories on an empty tank is dangerous! If you continuously exercise on an empty stomach, your body will start to break down muscle and slow your metabolism as it kicks into survival mode. During your workout, you should be able to focus on the healthy burn and the sounds of Kanye pumping through your headphones—not on the distraction of hunger pains.
  3. Don’t overwork yourself. Semi may be coming up next week, but if you’re exhausted and unable to walk without being in pain, no one is going to care that you can fit into that tight dress. Know your limits and work little by little to build up your stamina and endurance. It won’t happen overnight.
  4. If you’re working out to the point of being sore every day, you shouldn’t be working out every day. If you’re sore, it means that you need to give your muscles a day off. Recovery lets your muscles experience restoration and growth.  Hey, you skip studying when you’re too tired, don’t you?
  5. Venturing into the scary machine room in Wilson won’t actually kill you or turn you into the Hulk overnight.  Since women don’t have as much testosterone as men, it’s virtually impossible for us to look like a jacked man without participating in a shady deal in the back room of GNC. Doing weights and exercises other than cardio actually provide amazing body benefits. Soon you’ll be losing fat, gaining muscle and getting a more toned look while feeling strong inside and out.
  6. Duke actually provides students with nutritionist services. It’s hard to eat a balanced diet at college. Are you unsure that you’re getting all the nutrients you need? Schedule an appointment and get some guidance.

Keep in mind that a healthy, happy person is the most attractive type of person. It’s one thing to look good, but you’ll only give off that genuine vibe if you feel good too. Exercising is beneficial, but to make sure that you’re getting as much out of the gym as possible, be smart. You’re going to have to live in your body for a long time. Treat it well. It’s the only one you’ve got!

Photo source: http://today.duke.edu/2010/04/fitness.html.

Betty Liu is a senior at Duke University where she is majoring in Biomedical Engineering.  Although her main interests lie in bioengineering, she loves keeping up with the latest trends on Duke's campus. Also, she enjoys learning about new music, reading and travelling around the world. One of her life dreams is to go to all seven continents! So far, she has been to four.