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A Weekend in Barcelona – La Mercè!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

For weeks, everyone and their madre was telling me to stay in Barcelona for something called La Mercè. It came up so many times that I was embarrassed to be the girl that replied, “uuuh, what the heck is La Mercè?”
Google, please!
After a click or two, I was learning that La Mercè is a huge festival that takes place every year to celebrate the Catholic feast day, Our Lady of Mercy. A few more clicks had me staring blankly at a schedule listing over 100 events in Catalan. I was eventually able to decipher the names of dozens of parades, performances, and events that would be taking place, and finally understood what all of the hullabaloo was about.
I spent the weekend jumping all over the city, from the Catalonian Wine Fair, to a carnival at the Castle of Montjuic, to street theater in the Parc de la Ciutadella.

As much as I loved drinking wine and watching performers, my favorite event was Correfoc. Dragons and demons ran through the streets spraying fireworks… at people. Those who were amply prepared tucked their hair into hoodies and covered their faces with bandanas, but I of course was prancing around with my hair down and a t-shirt on. Rookie mistake. 

Imagine the 4th of July raining down on your head. Next time, I’ll know better.
Can’t wait to see what else this city has in store for me!
Besos from Barca,

Betty Liu is a senior at Duke University where she is majoring in Biomedical Engineering.  Although her main interests lie in bioengineering, she loves keeping up with the latest trends on Duke's campus. Also, she enjoys learning about new music, reading and travelling around the world. One of her life dreams is to go to all seven continents! So far, she has been to four.