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Campus Cutie: Colt Sessions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

Year: Freshman

Major: Economics

Hometown: Manitou Springs, CO

1. What’s something you’re passionate about and why?

I am passionate about my faith. I grew up in a Christian home and take my faith seriously. Of all the things in my life, I believe that my faith is the most important. My faith is something to rely on, no matter how amazing life is going or how awful life seems to be. It takes all the small matters of life (tests, sports, friends) and puts them into perspective. I believe that Jesus Christ died for me, and that I can have a daily relationship with him. I want to live my life by the values set out in the bible, and allow my faith to guide my life.

2. How do you like being a Duke athlete?

Being a Duke athlete is great! It definitely has its challenges, but for the most part I really enjoy being an athlete. The team has become my family at Duke. I can rely on my teammates and coaches for support and always have a group of friends to do something with. It is also pretty amazing to be unified as a team, each individually looking for success, but also looking for success as a unified team also. We all have the same goals, and when we come together to achieve our goals it is amazing.

3. What do you miss most about home?

I miss my family. I grew up in an incredibly close family with two older brothers and a twin sister. We spent hours upon hours playing with each other and hanging out when we were younger. I remember feeling crushed when my brothers went to college. Now I am the farthest one from home and I sometimes miss when the family gets together. With sports in the spring I will have a short Christmas and no spring break. I will have a limited summer vacation and will be missing all this time to be with my family. I miss my sister a great deal just on a daily basis. She and I have never really been separated and now we are on opposite sides of the country living different lives. We were always known as the Sessions’ twins. Now we are known as having a twin. I miss her and the rest of my family a ton.

4. What fictional world would you like to visit most?

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory would not be half bad. All these dream worlds usually have such awful people. I was thinking like Harry Potter, that way I could do some sweet magic tricks and stuff, but then I would have to stay out of dodge from Voldemort. Unlike most worlds, Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory does not have some crazy killer, it just has some children who get a bit eager to have candy and thus get ejected from the factory. I think I would probably be one of those kids, but the factory would be so amazing until I got the boot out the door.

5. Who is your biggest role model and why?

My biggest role models (I have to pick two, sorry) are my older brothers. Of course my parents and my sister have been amazing role models as well, but I have always looked up to my brothers with a fascination. They were always able to do so much more than I was when I was younger, and they grew up to be amazing young men. Both of them are incredibly different in their approach toward life, but each understands the importance behind life. Nearly all that I am and all that I have become has been because of role models in general, but without a doubt, Cody and Crocket have contributed most to my life. Crocket is laid-back, funny, and incredibly patient and compassionate. Cody is driven, intense, but also incredibly caring and playful. Each of them take life as a gift and are working to make something of it. I similarly want to be passionate about life. I want to be driven when seeking out my goals, but laid back when not pursuing a dream. I want to be kind, compassionate, and silly. Honestly, I want to be just like my brothers.

6. Favorite guilty pleasure?

Eating Sweets. I am addicted! I gave up candy and soda and sweets for a good part of high school. After I graduated, I decided to have some again, and, well, it was a bit of a slippery slope. Sweets are just able to do amazing things. If you are feeling down, have some brownies to get you up. If you are feeling great, have some cookies to celebrate.

7. Chocolate or Vanilla?

Vanilla for sure. Chocolate is so strong. Now for a malt, chocolate, but for just everyday life, vanilla. You can mix stuff so easily into vanilla, whether it be Oreos, Reese’s cups, or some sort of candy, it will mix with vanilla.

8. What is your dream job?

My dream job is retirement. Just living the life all day every day. Ok, in reality, I guess I don’t know what my dream job would be. I love track, so being a college coach someplace for track would be about as good as it could get. I would love to spend my life around something I am passionate about, and track is definitely something I am passionate about.

I am a senior at Duke University studying psychology and history, and I have been writing with Her Campus since I was a freshman. Having this incredible community of empowering women to build me up when I need support and to give me an outlet when I need to vent has been one of the greatest aspects of my Duke career! I am so sad to leave them soon, but I am excited to pursue my J.D. at Georgetown in the fall!