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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

We’ve all made it to the last week of the term, so go ahead and congratulate yourself! While you’re at it though, don’t forget about those less fortunate: the students who don’t have any finals this week. They finished their course work last week and are just stuck here for one reason or another and it is just HORRIBLE. If you’re struggling to sympathize, we’ve provided nine reasons below that will hopefully convince you to shed a tear of sympathy for them.

1. Hauling all of their shopping bags back from Center City is just exhausting


2. No one wants to have a Netflix marathon of holiday movies with him or her

How could you turn down an invite to all of the classic movies?


3. Everyone complains that his or her holiday playlists are too loud for studying

Excuse me while I go sing along and sound like a dying cat.


4. The only invites they’re getting are to parties (ok, study sessions) in Club Hagz


5. No one is responding to texts or Snapchats or Facebook Messages!

Maybe if they randomly showed up to the library people would talk to them.


6. Tinder is dead and slow around this time

Everyone is going to match with them once they’re back home and nowhere near Philly.


7. No one is willing to help them plan their Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve outfits


8. They are the only person excited for the holiday season

Well, Buddy the Elf is also excited.


9. People are stressed out right now even though it’s so close to the holiday break!

“It’s the most wonderful time … OF THE YEAR!”

Lindsey is a senior at Drexel University, majoring in operations management & bus. analytics. She has been with Her Campus Drexel for four years and was CC for the middle two. Along with living the city life, she takes an active interest in street style, putting together puzzles and binge-watching her current Netflix obsession. She actually calls Montana her true home so now you can say you know that someone actually lives there ;). When she's in Philly, you can find her in Center City scouring the racks of thrift stores, Old Navy, and H&M if she's not on campus enjoying the multiple food trucks or catching up on the readings she put off until the last day.
Maegan is a sophomore History major at Drexel University who constantly contemplates double majoring or double minoring. When she's not writing a paper, reading or watching Netflix, she can be found day-dreaming, eating, staring at the sun or all of the above.
Her Campus Drexel contributor.