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TV Review: The CW’s “Heroes Vs. Aliens: Invasion!”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Dickinson chapter.

The Arrowverse has proven its worth multiple times. Starting with Arrow and then expanding to The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow, the CW has become the new place for DC characters to dominate the television. With the new addition of Supergirl to the watch list, the four-part crossover was one that fans had been dying for.  “Heroes vs. Aliens: Invasion!” was the perfect title, as the heroes banded together to fight a race of aliens called the Dominators. It felt like an epic adventure.


Overall, I would give this crossover an 8.5 out of 10. It had its ups and downs but it was still the ultimate team up. I liked that the storyline focused less on the aliens and more on the characters. If we want a crossover, we want to see each of the characters interact with each other! Team Flash, Arrow and Legends took a welcome to Supergirl as they realized she could be their biggest asset in this battle. Unlike a movie team up on Captain America: Civil War (which was just as epic), there was more time in the episode to focus on the characters. 

The CW has done crossover episodes in the past with Flash and Arrow; however, even though all of the characters were in the same universe, we didn’t get to see them in action together. A team up like “Heroes vs. Aliens: Invasion!” is bound to boost the CW’s ratings. As all the other channels were prepping for the holidays, the CW knew how to stand out. I applaud them for their DC shows. This was one amazing adventure and battle. I can’t wait for the next crossover episodes!

Julia Mercado

Dickinson '20

Julia is an English major who just loves to write. You can normally find her looking for the next Netflix original to watch... or coming up with her own script ideas. With Her Campus, she hopes to reach out to other college women like her!