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How to Make the Most of Winter Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Dickinson chapter.

Go out with friends.

Remember the friends you had before college? Well, winter break is the perfect time to see them because everyone’s home from school! Go on as many adventures as you can. Remember the phrase, “make new friends but keep the old.”


Hang out with family.

Winter break is the best time to catch up with your family, especially during the holidays. Leave no family member behind!


Learn a new skill.

School’s not the only place to learn something new; perhaps you could learn a new language, pick up some cooking skills or something else entirely!


Prep for the next semester.

Starting a new semester can be a bit daunting, but have no fear! Knowing your schedule before the semester begins can keep you ahead and on track for class once you return to campus.



Why not give back to your community for the holidays? Volunteer at a soup kitchen or your local library to kill time while you’re home.


Make a budget.

We’re college students, infamous for chowing down on cheap ramen noodles because we’re broke. Maybe we can change things by creating a budget for the next few weeks, so when you come back you have cash to spare andtreat yourself, collegiettes!


Get a lot of rest.

Winter break is a time without exams, papers or stress, so you may as well sleep your days away! Catch up on the beauty rest you lost at school in order to give your body a break and feel rejuvinated.


Julia Mercado

Dickinson '20

Julia is an English major who just loves to write. You can normally find her looking for the next Netflix original to watch... or coming up with her own script ideas. With Her Campus, she hopes to reach out to other college women like her!