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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.

If you’re away at college and from time to time (or everyday) you miss your friends, your family, maybe a pet, a significant other, or your bed, I can relate one-hundred percent. There can be those nights where sleeping is hard because the environment isn’t one that you’re used to. Sometimes you just really want to see a familiar face. But we have to hit those books and make it work, so if you’re feeling homesick, these are some tips that go beyond FaceTime, from me to you:

    1. It’s OK To Cry. No, really, it is. I hate crying, the last time was at the end of Fruitvale Station. But when you’re away from your friends, your mom or maybe you’re like me and you desperately miss your dog, it’s fine to cry a little. I know crying in front of others is probably the worst, so try to see if your housing building has a lounge that’s empty, or an empty staircase, put a hat on and go for a walk. Just bring your tissues with you, you’ll be fine, you’ve gotta run dry at some point.


    2. Write A Letter To Someone You Miss. Everyone knows there’s texting and FaceTime (which are lifesavers when you really miss someone, or have to tell your best friend something right away about what the girl who sits in front of you in math) but there is a lost art in writing letters. You don’t have to actually give it to that person, however, sometimes you just need to let out what you’re feeling. So if you can spare a notebook, write down your thoughts to someone anytime you miss them and why you miss them. If you do decide to give it to that person, knowing that you were thinking about them and took the time to write about it is a good feeling.


    3. Distract Yourself With Something Productive. Do your school work. In the end, you’ll get more stuff done, and you’ll get things out of the way faster so you can relax. Or if your workload is light, go to the gym, your campus probably has one. Working out is one of the best ways to get your mind off of something. You are distracting yourself and you’re being healthy. There’s no down side, I mean the second season of Stranger Things isn’t coming to Netflix until next year, so there’s really nothing confining you to your room.


If you have the option to go home on the weekends, try these:


    4. Try To Get Work Done During The School Week. Just because you have the chance to go home, doesn’t mean you won’t still have work that needs to be done. I know it seems like you just have so much extra time to get work done over the weekend, but the more you get done while you’re at school, the more you can actually enjoy your time at home. So maybe instead of taking that twenty minute nap that turned into two hours, just try to get that paper that’s due on Monday done now.


    5. Have Plans When You Go Home. I’m content going home and sleeping in my own bed for the whole weekend, but I can do that at school. You want to make the time you have with important ones a good time. The last few times I’ve gone home, I’ve gone to a boxing match, a birthday party, and most recently I went to my old high school’s football game. Doing something gives you the feeling when you go back to campus that you genuinely enjoyed your time, and it also gives you a reason to take more pictures to hang up in your dorm room.


    6. Appreciate Every Little Thing You Can Do At Home While You’re There. Appreciate the people you’re close with obviously, but don’t look past the little things. Things like your pets, because there are no pets on campus. Wi-Fi that works. Actually knowing what channel your favorite show comes on because on campus they’re a mystery. Not having to wear flip flops in the shower and then slipping down the hallway as you walk back to your room. These things are golden!


So hang in there, I know home is where the heart is, but it’s not going anywhere and you’ll be back someday. The people you love are just a phone call away, and chances are they miss you just as much as you miss them.



DSU Student. Mass Communications Major. IG: j.hane.y Twitter: Jhaney__
Raised in Queens, with a major in Mass Communication and a love for writing. Graduating in 2018 in hopes of working in Television production. I love reading novels, blogs and magazine articles. I'm completed addicted to TV Shows and my ultimate goal is to always have fun.