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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Putting his radio show on hold, Crenshaw came in early for his Campus Cutie picture wearing a light blue sweater and dark jeans humming a song that didn’t quite ring a bell (it ended up being Time Flies).  His witty comments and ability to insert movie quotes on cue, keep the ladies laughing.  This future sports anchor is a down-to-earth and driven young man, waiting to catch you’re eye—but act fast, summer is comin’ in hot.

Zionsville, IN
Greek Affiliation
Beta Theta Pi
Relationship status

What are you involved in on campus?
Director at WGRE, Anchor at D3TV, Intern at the Prindle Institute, Member of the Inter-Fraternity Bible Study (TNSS), and different stuff at Beta
If someone were looking for you on campus where could they find you?
Beta, the PCCM building, Prindle, or Lilly.  I try and move around a lot.
Most embarrassing moment at DePauw University?
A waitress at the Duck thought I was a freshman in High School when I was eating with my parents… I was actually a freshman at DePauw.
What are your plans for the summer?
I’ll be in Indy, interning with Eli Lilly in their Communications department. I’m living at home…which has serious pros and cons.
What do you see yourself doing in 5 years?
Hopefully working for ESPN or anchoring at a TV station… or settling down with Steve Santo and traveling the Dakotas.
Describe your dream girl:
Funny, Intelligent, Easy-going and relaxed, and has a good smile.
What is the worst gift you have ever received from a girl?
Of the few gifts I’ve received from females… I’d say the strangest/worst was a really touristy shirt from a girl who had just gone to Europe.
I didn’t really know her that well and we weren’t even close to a thing/dating, so the fact that she got me a gift kind of threw me for a loop.
If you had to plan a date in Greencastle what would you do?
Assuming my car broke down and my reservation was cancelled at St. Elmos… I’d probably make a picnic basket and take the girl to a relatively unknown spot on campus. You have to make it more memorable then a typical dinner at Almost Home.
Who is your celebrity campus crush?
Steve Santo (aka Sodexo Steve)
First thing you would save in a fire?
My little sister
Go-to movie quote:
“60% of the time, it works every time.”
Really anything from Anchorman though…
What’s playing on your iPod right now?
Hoodie Allen, Timeflies, Fun., Topher Jones, and P Holla
But I listen to a variety of stuff, I’m always looking for great music.
Little 5 or Monon. Why?
Little 5. Probably because it’s more of a weeklong event, no Wabash cavemen are on campus, and no matter what DePauw doesn’t lose.
What TV show do you wish was still around?
Wishbone and Arthur… I was a PBS kid. Say what you want, those shows were sweet!
Anything else we should know?
Not really, I’m pretty sure the above questions accurately and entirely portray who I am as a person. Don’t bother getting to know me if you’ve read this far.

Mckenzie Curran is a Sociology and Communication major at DePauw University. Mckenzie is new to the HerCampus Team, and looks forward to planning HerCampus events in the upcoming school year in order to spread awareness of the site. Mckenzie spends her free time going to campus events, baking, and hanging out with her Kappa Alpha Theta sisters.