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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Meet Miriam Senousy, a first-year from Avon, Indiana. Miriam is a Management Fellow, is currently looking to study in economics and is involved with work study. Miriam also takes full advantage of the resources DePauw has to offer. When Miriam isn’t focusing on school, she can be found at the Lilly Center. Her motivation is unbeatable, and her ability to influence the people around her is amazing. Miriam’s efforts in the gym have inspired myself and everyone around her. Her healthy lifestyle has encouraged girls around her, making her similar to a personal trainer.

Her Campus: Hi Miriam! Thanks for meeting with me today!

Miriam: Yeah! Ask me anything!

HC: What inspires you to keep working hard at the gym?

MS: I’m just self-motivated to keep myself healthy and happy. Working out is a huge stress reliever, so I enjoy being there.

HC: What is your favorite work out?

MS: My favorite work out would have to be back day. After growing up having so many back issues, it’s exciting for me to finally increase my strength in an area I’ve typically always struggled with.

HC: How do you try and stay healthy in college? What do you usually eat?

MS: I try and make my own breakfasts in my dorm because I know exactly what I’m eating. For lunch and dinner, I just try to limit my carbs and sugars. It’s very doable to maintain a healthy lifestyle for anyone who is willing to work for it.

HC: How do you manage to keep a balance between your healthy lifestyle, school and job?

MS: To manage all the activities I have going on, I have to keep a strict schedule. I have a color coded planner that helps me prioritize. If stay with my schedule, I can fit everything I need to do into each day.

HC: Thank you for talking to us today; we”ll catch you at the gym!

Campus Correspondent for HC DePauw! Psychology and Spanish major, art history minor '17. CollegeFashionista Style Guru & Editorial Intern. DePauw Cheerleading Social Media Manager.