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Lovely Locks All Winter Long

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Around this time of year, the moisture in the air seems to disappear, and suddenly we find ourselves with chapped lips, dry hands, and dull hair. While the lip problem can be remedied with Chap Stick, and I’m sure you have an entire collection of Bath and Body Works lotions to moisturize your hands, our hair is often overlooked.

When hair gets dry in the winter, it is more prone to those split ends we all hate, which stunts hair growth and makes our hair look unhealthy. Hair also tends to look much duller and we lose that healthy shine that was present in summer.

For curly haired people, whose hair is already naturally dry, this is a hair nightmare. One change in your hair care routine that can keep your hair healthier is to shampoo less often. Shampoo removes the natural oils from your hair, leaving strands stripped of protection when faced with the cold winter air. By shampooing less often, you are allowing the natural oils to stay in your hair and do what they were meant to.

On top of this change in your winter hair-care routine, I like to use a hair mask once a month that moisturizes dry hair, repairs split ends, and promotes hair growth. All you need are eggs, olive oil and water. Hopefully these tips will help keep your hair looking healthy and beautiful all winter long!

Damage-Erasing Hair Mask


  • 2 Egg Yolks
  • 2 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Cup Water


Mix ingredients together in a cup or bowl. This mixture will be very runny. Over the sink or tub, dip your hair into the mixture until it is saturated. Once the ends of your hair are coated in the mask, pour the rest of the liquid over your roots, ensuring all your hair is covered. Then wrap hair atop head with a towel. Allow the mixture to soak in for 15 to 20 minutes. Then, rinse the mixture out with cold water. It is essential that you rinse with cold water—if the water is hot, the egg will cook in your hair. Believe me, I know from experience. I usually like to take a shower after I do this treatment to make sure that I wash all the egg and oil out of my hair. Afterward your hair should be soft, glossy, and split-end free!