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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Meet our newest campus celebrity, Katie Tozer! Katie is a senior member of the Keynotes, DePauw’s all female a cappella group. The group puts on concerts each semester, and has an upcoming winter concert on December 14th. Katie sat down with Her Campus to talk about the upcoming concert, and her favorite things about being a part of the Keynotes!  

Her Campus: How long have you been participating in the Keynotes?

Katie: Since I was a freshman, so three and a half years. I was in the first group ever, because the group started the fall semester of my freshman year!

HC: How did the group get started?

KT: MaryClare Flores transferred from Illinois Wesleyan her sophomore year and she was in music there. Because she switched to college of Liberal Arts here, she was surprised that a school like DePauw only had one a cappella group. So she and her sister, Olivia, held auditions and got a faculty sponsor and started the group.

HC: What are the upcoming events for the Keynotes?

KT: We have a concert on December 14th at 3pm in Meharry Hall!

HC: What song are you most looking forward to performing at the upcoming concert?

KT: There are so many that I love! My top three are “girls just wanna have fun”, “Love is Christmas”, and “Let it go”.

HC: What goes into deciding which songs to perform?

KT: What people want to do, and what’s available. We vote on it so it’s usually the president of the group that brings a bunch of options and we vote on the ones we want to do. If there’s a song that people really want to do that didn’t get picked for some reason, we can make a small group to perform the song.

HC: What has been your favorite part about being in the Keynotes throughout your time at DePauw?

KT: I love singing and I really like being part of something that’s brand new and getting it going. Seeing it grow has been really fun!




Jackie is a Sociology major with a minor in Psychology. She is a senior Alpha Phi, and enjoys watching Criminal Minds, country music, and good books.