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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Alright ladies, if you like to laugh and have a good time, look no further. Jack Russell is incredibly outgoing and witty while still maintaining a totally chill vibe. Laughing and joking as he was getting his picture taken, it was hard not to smile in his presence. He even made passer-bys giggle with his spirit. With a possible career in modeling ahead of him, you should snatch him up while you still have the chance! This is one Campus Cutie that would make being stuck on an elevator fun!

HC: Tell me a little about yourself.

Jack Russell: My real name is John Reed Russell, but I go by Jack. I am a junior communication major and looking to be a double poly-sci [political science] major, but it’s currently my minor.

HC: What activities are you involved in on campus?

JR: Well, lacrosse. Then Sports Night¬, which is where we go down to the Lilly Center and play with kids once a month because we don’t have a YMCA, Headstart and I‘m a member of SAE.

HC: Is there anything about being an SAE that you absolutely love or a distinctive memory or moment that makes you happy?

JR: For the public…hmmm…well, about the house…the freedom. A specific moment? Gah, gotta keep it PG-13. I want to say when I realized it was home, [laughs] but that is so cheesy!

HC: That’s not a bad thing. Okay, so I have to ask…are you single or taken?

JR: Single.

HC: Ah, you’re single and ready to mingle?

JR: [laughs] Yeah, ready to mingle.

HC: So, would you consider yourself a smooth operator then? Are you pretty good with the ladies?

JR: Oh, of course! It’s all in the wit and the charm. You know, it’s all about the words!

HC: What’s your best pick up line?

JR: [Silence] Oh wow…uhhh. [Silence] I mean, I don’t know…you have the really cheesy ones like, “How much does a polar bear weigh?”

HC: Enough to break the ice.

JR: Yes that one. Actually, that was the first thing I said to my advisory group freshman year in high school. Nobody was talking so I said that, and that’s how we began the whole four years.

HC: So what is the most creative date that you have taken a girl on or world take a girl on?

JR: Do you want to know the date or how I asked them?

HC: Either.

JR: Okay, I got one. In high school for our homecoming dance, the girl I asked was named Natalie. She was on the field hockey team and, at the time, I was doing football—this was sophomore year. I had my friend take over a nice big cheesy pizza–with extra cheese on it–and he even dressed up and everything like that. So he waddled over in the middle of practice and then he just went, “It’s for you.” Then she went, “What?” Then he opened it up and it read: I know this is cheesy, but will you come to Homecoming with me?

HC: I love it. Alright. Changing subjects, if I was to steal your iPod what would be playing right now?

JR: Okay, “Take a load off Anny” by The Band…no, wait the song is called “The Weight”. You know that Easy Rider song where they’re driving the motorcycles and the song is like take a load off Anny, na,na, naaa, take a load for free, so that.

HC: Wait, there really is a band called The Band?

JR: Yeah, it use to be Bob Dylan and The Band, but Bob Dylan went his way and The Band went their’s.

HC: Ah, okay. So, if you were to be in a band, what band would it be and what instrument would you play?

JR: The Talking Heads, and I would just be the tambourine guy. Yeah, I would definitely be the tambourine guy.

HC: I could see that. Alright, is there any last thing you would like our readers to know?

JR: I was the best camp counselor ever. Like, I would say “Chiup, chiup” and they’d go [singing and waving his hands in the air] “Make money monaaaay, make money monaaaaay!” But, the biggest thing is that I taught the kids the “Dayman Song” from It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Out of everything in this interview, that is the most important thing to know.