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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.
Meet Hallie Walther, this week’s campus celebrity! She is bound to change the lives of tons of people as she pursues a career in the medical field. As finals week approaches, her dedication to education is inspiring for everyone. Read below to check out her plans for this winter term as she participates in the EMT course!
Her Campus: Hey Hallie! Let’s start off simple…what’s your major?
Campus Celebrity: I’m a Public Health major, and I’m also a Science Research Fellow. Public health isn’t an official major at DePauw so I’m doing a create-your-own kind of thing and combining Biology and Political Science because I am really interested in the policy side of public health. My two passions are science and politics so it’s a perfect combination for me. 
HC: That’s awesome! Okay, so a bigger question: what do you want to do with your life? 
CC: I really want to go to Medical or PA school, but ultimately I want to work with a nonprofit doing something in the medical field. Specifically, I’d love to work with mothers and babies. 
HC: Sounds like you’ve got it all planned out, which is more than most people can say! How much time do you dedicate to studying? You’re always working.
CC: I actually really like to study and grades are really important to me, so I end up studying a lot. My happy place is in the basement of the Prevo Library. 
HC: We heard you had a big day today! Can you tell us a little bit about what you did?
CC: Today I was CPR certified in preparation for my EMT winter term class. We learned how to do CPR and use an AED on infants, children, and adults. It’s a funny story actually. So we were practicing CPR on these baby dolls and all of a sudden I notice I’m cradling the doll like an actual infant subconsciously. I guess that’s what happens after years of babysitting. 
HC: So this was preparation for your Winter Term EMT class. That’s going to be pretty intense isn’t it?
CC: This Winter Term I’m going to become a certified EMT, which I’m super excited about. We will have class from 8-5 Monday through Saturday so it will be a lot of work, but I’m really excited about it because we get to ride along in an ambulance and shadow in a hospital. Every time I talk to anyone about the course they give me a look of terror so I’m a little bit nervous, but it will be worth it in the end. 
HC: Totally! Are you intimidated or nervous?
CC: I am a little bit scared about seeing someone pass away when I’m shadowing in the ambulance or at the hospital but that’s just the reality of the medical field. If I want to go into medicine, though, that’s something that I’m going to have to be okay with experiencing. 
HC: Wow, that definitely sounds really intense. But we are so excited for you and can’t wait to see how it goes! Best of luck to you this January and in your future plans!
I'm An International Politics and Spanish major and Poli Sci minor from DePauw!  You can usually find me working on homework, hanging out with my roommates or taking a nap.  I'm obssessed with anything Beyonce and Scandal.  I love my school and I love writing for HerCampus!
Campus Correspondent for HC DePauw! Psychology and Spanish major, art history minor '17. CollegeFashionista Style Guru & Editorial Intern. DePauw Cheerleading Social Media Manager.