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Cameron Wiethoff ‘14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.
Campus Cutie- Cameron Wiethoff ‘14
This cutie is the definition of a “good catch”– There may be plenty more fish in the sea, ladies, but if you are lookin’, focus in on this swimmer.

Favorite food on campus: Chicken salad wrap from Substantials
Favorite Color: Aqua
On Campus Activities: Varsity Swimmer, Depauwcapella, member of the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity
Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle
What are you looking for in a partner: A good smile, good teeth, great laugh and long, toned legs
What is the best gift you have ever received from a girl: Happiness and laughter
Worst Date: I’ve never had a bad date, ya know?
If someone were looking for you on campus, where could they find you:  It would be hard to find me cause I’m always long boarding- but if I had to choose I would say Beta or the pool
If you had to plan a date in Greencastle what would you do: Have a picnic in east college, go to the humane society and play with the puppies, go to the rope swing and just float around in the water, and end the date with swinging on Beta’s front porch
On average, how much Marvin’s each week: 2 calls per week
What’s your number one piece of advice you would give to an incoming freshman: Never be too friendly/social and get involved in as many different things as possible
Celebrity Campus Crush: The Asian woman who works at Substantials (“Anything else?”)
What’s your favorite way to spend your Friday nights: Serenading beautiful women in the Beta formal on the grand piano

Mckenzie Curran is a Sociology and Communication major at DePauw University. Mckenzie is new to the HerCampus Team, and looks forward to planning HerCampus events in the upcoming school year in order to spread awareness of the site. Mckenzie spends her free time going to campus events, baking, and hanging out with her Kappa Alpha Theta sisters.