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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

This week I had the pleasure of interviewing Alex Brox, the new Spanish TA on campus. His job is to teach and help students with their Spanish skills. 

Her Campus: Hi Alex! Why did you choose DePauw? 

Alex: I applied for a teaching internship in the US through a private university in Spain. They sent my application to many different colleges all over the US, meaning that I didn’t know about DePauw before. DePauw and the Central College of Iowa selected me after doing an interview, and finally I decided to come to DePauw after doing some research and asking around.

HC: What is your biggest challenge in teaching students Spanish? 

AB: My biggest challenge is trying to make the students become aware of the fact that learning a foreign language is very important and would be very rewarding for all of them in the future. Many students take Spanish classes in order to satisfy the language requirement, but I’m trying to make them realize that it shouldn’t be seen as a requirement, but as an opportunity that will bring them enrichment and success.

HC: What do you want to do after DePauw?

AB: I’m considering trying to stay in the US and apply to some graduate colleges in order to do my PhD in Spanish teaching. It is a big call, as it would mean that I’d stay here for five more years. Frankly, I believe that it would be a huge mistake not to take the opportunity of doing that if any college offers me a spot.

If you need Spanish help make sure you find Alex!

DePauw University | feminist | tea enthusiast | English major | thinking with my right brain somewhere
Campus Correspondent for HC DePauw! Psychology and Spanish major, art history minor '17. CollegeFashionista Style Guru & Editorial Intern. DePauw Cheerleading Social Media Manager.