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8 Things to Stop Doing in 2018

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

#1 Saying things online that you wouldn’t say in person: There’s really no good reason to have a debate about Trump with anyone on Facebook. Even fighting or talking about something serious with a friend or SO can be dangerous via text. It’s usually best to meet face to face, or maybe just rant about it to your mom. 

#2 Talking the talk, but not walking the walk: We’ve all listened to a girl who is just so ~over~ that guy, but is with him the next week. Be careful this isn’t you. While it can be easy to see in others and hard to see this in yourself, it is important not to contradict yourself. Set goals, express your feelings, then do your best to stick to them and have your actions reflect them.

#3 Letting your friends convince you to go out when you’re just not feelin’ it: Sometimes you just need a night in. If you are really debating going so much, will you really have fun? Don’t be afraid to say no; you can likely do the same thing next weekend. 

#4 Putting too much pressure on yourself: I’m not saying don’t challenge yourself, but it does more harm than good to beat yourself up about that B+ when you studied hard all week. Cut yourself some slack, no one is perfect!

#5 Not taking care of yourself physically: You deserve to take a nap, girl! You can spare an hour for a workout! You don’t need another drink! You deserve a face mask!! Listen to your body.

#6 Forgetting to catch up with friends: You’ve been meaning to get coffee with Sarah all semester. No need to delay it any longer. Go catch up with your friends! You know you need it.

#7 Taking things too seriously: Have some fun! Don’t wonder for hours if what you said in class was impressive or if you embarrassed yourself on the dance floor last night. 

#8 Letting boys get away with things: This one’s self-explanatory. It’s 2018 guys!!

Hi, my name is Bridget! I'm a Peace and Conflict Studies major with Philosophy and Asian Studies minors. I love writing about my friends, personal growth, social justice, and of course, all things Bachelor/Bachelorette!