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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.
As the school year comes to a close, many first-years will finish their time in freshman dorms and prepare to move into Greek houses next year. In this interview, Hallie, Becca and Kaitlyn, who joined three different houses, talk about their hopes for the future!
Her Campus:  Hey ladies, thanks so much for taking the time to speak with us! I think the biggest and most important question we have to ask is are you worried about remaining friends next year?
Becca:  Not really. We’ve been through so much together. Plus, we spend every waking moment of our free time together now, so I can hardly imagine a world where we aren’t friends. Things will be different, obviously, because we won’t be living together, but I’m 100% positive we’ll stay friends.
Hallie:  Not at all, my friend group is so close that I don’t see us separating anytime soon. 
Kaitlyn:  No, campus is small and we are good enough friends that we’ll stay together. Just because we are in separate houses doesn’t mean that we’re separated. 
HC:  How was it when you found out you were in different houses? 
B:  Going through recruitment, we were all very supportive of each other. We repeatedly told each other to focus on finding the sorority that was the best fit for each of us personally. I was just happy and excited that my friends also found another group of girls who will accept and love them as much as I do.
H:  It was bittersweet. I was happy because I knew that we all ended up where we were supposed to be, but sad because we weren’t all together.
K:  It was bittersweet because although it was sad to know that we wouldn’t be in the same house, I knew that everyone was happy and where they were supposed to be. 
HC:  Love that! Do you think it’ll be easy to stay friends? What challenges do you foresee?
B:  We are all such busy people. I anticipate making the time to see each other next year being a struggle, but we’re also all dedicated and motivated so I know we’ll find a way to still make time for each other.
H:  We have so much love for each other and I’ve heard that if it’s important to you, you make the distance work.
K:  We will live in different houses and have different events going on, but our lives don’t stop at the edge of our sorority. I know we’ll still stay connected and make time for each other. 
HC:  That’s so true. That being said, what do you guys plan on doing to do to see each other?
B:  We’ve talked about instituting mandatory Friday night dinners like in Gilmore Girls and I’m in favor of it.
H:  We are planning on having dinners every Friday night, but I’m sure we will see each other a lot more than that. 
K:  We plan on having Friday night dinners together and still getting ready before events. 
HC:  Haha, sounds like you’re all on the same page! So lastly, just for fun, what’s your favorite thing to do together?
B:  Making people feel uncomfortable by forcing them to watch bizarre YouTube videos. 
H:  We are trying to train our beta fish, Shrek.
K:  My favorite is all the little things like staying up until 3 AM just talking and hanging out. We don’t even have to be doing much to have fun.   
HC: You three are definitely entertaining, and I don’t doubt for a second that you’ll keep your friendship strong next year! Thanks for sitting down with us!
I'm An International Politics and Spanish major and Poli Sci minor from DePauw!  You can usually find me working on homework, hanging out with my roommates or taking a nap.  I'm obssessed with anything Beyonce and Scandal.  I love my school and I love writing for HerCampus!
Campus Correspondent for HC DePauw! Psychology and Spanish major, art history minor '17. CollegeFashionista Style Guru & Editorial Intern. DePauw Cheerleading Social Media Manager.