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Thankful, Grateful & Over Tired: DePaul Women Express Their Gratitude during Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePaul chapter.

Remember the cliché that every adult reminded us of as we left for college:


“College is the best and worst time of your life.”


It’s true. Very true.


I’m sure that you can relate to me when I say that I have had some of the best experiences in my life here and some of the worst. And this week has been no exception.


That’s right, we are fresh out of Finals Week– one of the three most dreaded parts of the school year. Just hearing those two words can make your palms sweat, heart race and stomach churn as you begin to think of all of the money that has been put into these 4-5 classes and it has all be leading up to one. final. assessment.


No pressure right?


Essays upon essays, endless memorization requirements and depending on whether you are a stress eater or cease all digestion; you have probably seen weight fluctuations. Ironically, during one of the arguably three most stressful weeks of the year for us, it is also a time when we are supposed to be recognizing and acknowledging our privileges with gratitude. Though being thankful is the last thing on our minds during finals week—we are just trying to make it out of finals week alive, something that still appears questionable.


However, in order to stay sane it is important to take a break from all of the stress eating, hair pulling and all-nighters to eat a little ice cream, drink some coffee and think about what we’re thankful for. It is simply something that “must be done” (as Vinny would say.)


But seriously, a little reflection never hurt nobody and reminding yourself of all of the blessings you have in your life could put everything in perspective. Maybe a B in Chemistry isn’t so bad after all?


So, in the midst of the craziness of finals, I have asked many of the women at DePaul to take a break from their studies to think about what they are thankful for, here are their answers:






I am thankful for my family. They have always given me so much love and support, without them I would not be at DePaul. I am so excited to spend time with them over break!” — Grayce

“I still love the dogs more than all of you!” –Delaney

–Emily O.


“I love you only ‘cause I have to.” –Emily S.

“I would have tagged everyone in this photo but after two divorces and three marriages, there are too many people to count! But I wouldn’t trade my huge/dysfunctional brady bunch of a family for a thing! Love them all and can’t wait to annoy them over break (y’all better stock up on food)” –Marissa


We may be living it up in the windy city but we still remember and are thankful for who made it possible to be here. There isn’t one person I have come across that isn’t counting down the days until they get to spend some quality time with their fam.

Happy Thanksgiving!

(Now stop reading this article and go eat some pie!)

DePaul '19 Journalsim, Public Relations and Advertising major. Diet coke is my favorite & so is eating in general. Watching Scandal, Once Upon a Time & listening to Demi Lovato are my pass times.
Michelle is a third year Secondary Education English student at DePaul University that enjoys sarcasm, laughing at cats on the internet, and forgetting to wear her glasses to class.