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Things You’ll Only Understand If You Have Sisters

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DCU chapter.

If you have sisters, you know the struggle and fights you can have over the smallest of things. Whether it’s over make up or clothes, the rows will never stop. Having three sisters I have been through it all and would consider myself an expert on the subject. We can be best friends with them one minute and then enemies the next. Here is a list of things you will understand if you have sisters.  


Sharing is not Caring 

There is no such thing as sharing when you have sisters. Make-up is no-go zone and sharing clothes is a myth. The only time when you would even consider sharing would be when you get something in return, and even then a lot of blackmailing is needed. 



Bedrooms are off limits 

When it comes to personal space the bedroom is completely off limits. If you cross the threshold of the room World War Three might break out! Whatever you need you have to wait until you’re in neutral territory.


Tanning = bonding time 

Tanning is a big part of bonding time with your fellow sisters. This is the purpose of having sisters is to tan your back or to let you know if you have missed any spots. They are the people that will be brutally honest to you so you know you’re in safe hands.


Stealing Clothes 

That moment when you go into your sister’s room to try and steal something of them but find your own clothes! 



Make-Up Swap 

If one of your favourite make-up products is running low save yourself some money and just swap it with your sisters, they will never know! 


Sister nights are the best nights 

If you ever need someone to go out with just ask your sister. You always have a partner in crime.



They are best people to go to for boy trouble  

The older the wiser, that is a true statement when you are looking for boy advice from your sister. They know what to do and what to say when it comes to the opposite sex


When you were younger you were partners in crime 

When you were you would literally do everything together. You would never be lonely and always have someone to play with. Also if one of you got in trouble both of you were in trouble, it was a package deal! 


They know exactly what to say to annoy you  

If ever having a row with your sisters they know exactly what to say to push your buttons. They will draw that one card that just infuriates you so much and won’t feel and ounce of guilt about it


You may fight a lot but you will kill anyone that messes with them 

You may annoy each other and fight a lot but if anyone dares messing with your sister you will not hesitate to have their back. They are your best friends that you get to live with forever



Thumbnail by Ben White

Hey guys! I'm Megan and I'm from Ireland. I'm studying Journalism in Dublin City University.