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The Collegiette’s Guide to Who’s Running for President… So Far

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.

It’s time to begin the 2016 Presidential elections.  Now.  In barely-mid 2015.  That makes complete sense.  I could go into a long tirade about the stupid reasons American Presidential campaigns begin so early, but take a poli-sci class if you want that lecture.  For now, I give you a guide so you know who’s running so far, who might run, and who’s definitely NOT running (wink wink).  In the hope that y’all can start thinking about which candidates you might be more drawn to, which are more worrisome, and which are inspiring but not Presidential material.  I’m not here to tell you which is which, just get you the information so you can, in the spirit of American democracy, make your own decision!

**Disclaimer: names are in alphabetical order by last name and all of this information came from the New York Times’ various articles.  Please contact madriscoll@davidson.edu directly with any issues.**

“I am running for President.”

1. Hillary Clinton

Possible Platform: 

Foreign Policy: 2 state solution between Israel + Palestine while supporting Israel’s’ “safety and security”; Believes that failure to help moderate Syrian rebels led to a power vacuum leaving space open for the rise of Islamic militancy; Supports pushing global women’s rights

Climate Change: Has called for government action to fight climate change; has supported cap and trade systems where companies trade carbon credits to limit total emissions

Immigration: Supports Obama’s use of executive action and the focus of resources on deporting “felons rather than families”

Economy: Expected to support raising minimum wage, closing corporate tax loopholes, cutting taxes for middle class and investing in infrastructure; has close ties to financial sector while also supporting Dodd-Frank law that increases regulations of financial institutions

Social Issues: Recently came out in favor of gay marriage (not just civil unions), supports reproductive rights including increasing access to birth control and family planning education to decrease abortion rates; supports Common Core, charter schools and supporting educational unions.

Experience: First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the United States of America, United States Senator for New York, Secretary of State of the United States of America

2. Ted Cruz

Possible Platform:

Foreign Policy: Supports troop deployment (ground forces) to fight Islamic State militants; supports U.S.-Mexico border security to prevent easy entry for terrorists into the US; does not support US/Iran/others’ efforts to control Tehran’s Nuclear Program 

Climate Change: Believes there has been no global warming due to human activity

Immigration: Opposes offering benefits to undocumented immigrants and their children; supports increasing border patrol on US-Mexico border.

Economy: Staunchly against President Obama’s health care law; supports US budget cuts excepting the decreasing of defense funding; supports abolishing the IRS and instituting a flat tax.

Social Issues: Opposes abortion including in cases of rape; opposes gay marriage; opposes renewable federal fuel standards that include subsides for ethanol; opposed to net-neutrality; does not support Common Core and does support charter schools and school vouchers.

Experience: Solicitor General of Texas, United States Senator from Texas

3. Rand Paul

Possible Platform:

Foreign Policy: Supports smaller overseas military presence; opposes domestic surveillance programs; supports increasing defense spending; opposes U.S. policy on using military drones.

Climate Change: Opposes regulations on emissions but supports “some coal regulations”; supports idea that humans contribute to global warming.

Immigration: Opposes President Obama’s action on immigration; decries Republicans who he believes cannot compromise on the issue.

Economy: Supports decreasing the size and spending of the federal government ; supports decreasing tax rates on overseas corporate profits that are returned to U.S. and instead invest that money in infrastructure; supports creation of “Economic Freedom Zones” where both individual and corporate income taxes are eliminated/reduced in poor areas for ten years.

Social Issues: Supports states’ deciding on legality of gay marriage ; Supports decreasing reproductive rights, but does believe that the country is too divided to change anything at this time.

Experience: U.S. Senator from Kentucky.

4. Marco Rubio

Possible Platform:

Foreign Policy: Supports stronger response to countries like Iran, North Korea, and Russia; supports a stronger response to fighting the Syrian government; opposes President Obama’s outreach to Cuba.

Climate Change: Does not believe human activity is contributing to climate change; opposes laws to combat climate change.

Immigration: Believes in a “path to citizenship” for undocumented immigrants; supports increased security on U.S.-Mexico border before new immigration policy can be put into place; opposed President Obama’s executive actions.

Economy: Supports decreasing government regulation; supports cutting corporate taxes through the deduction of their capital investments to help spur investment; supports reducing tax rates for most taxpayers and expand child tax credits; supports giving the president more authority over trade pacts

Social Issues: Opposes same-sex marriage and opposes discrimination against the LGBT*Q community.

Experience: Representative in Florida State House of Representatives, Speaker of Florida State House of Representatives, United States Senator from Florida.


“I’m seriously considering it.”

Jeb Bush: Former Governor of Florida

Ben Carson: Retired Neurosurgeon

Chris Christie: Current Governor of New Jersey

Lincoln Chafee: Former Governor of Rhode Island

Carly Fiorina: Former Business Executive

Mike Huckabee: Former Governor of Arkansas

Bobby Jindal: Governor of Louisiana

Martin O’Malley: Former Governor of Maryland

Rick Perry: Former Governor of Texas

Bernard Sanders: U.S. Senators

Rick Santorum: Former U.S. Senator

Scott Walker: Current Governor of Wisconsin

Jim Webb: Former U.S. Senator


“I’m not running for President… right now.”

Elizabeth Warren & Mitt Romney

A little obsessive about food blogs, books, Netflix, running, and obviously sleeping. It's not what you do, I say, but how you do it.