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8 Reasons Why Everyone NEEDS To See “The Vagina Monologues”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cornell chapter.

8pm on Saturday, March 7th the lights of Bailey Hall will be dimming and the curtains will slowly draw as a cast of Cornell’s most talented actresses take the stage, clad from head to toe in black and red. The show that follows is comprised of comedic, heart-felt, reflective and inspiring monologues based on interviews conducted with real women. Since its founding in 1996, by Eve Ensler, The Vagina Monologues have raised over $100 millions for womens’ advocacy services. All proceeds of the show will be donated to The Advocacy Center of Ithaca, last year the event raised over $9,000 in one night! Clearly, this is a show not to miss. 

8 reasons why you absolutely must attend this year’s production:


1. Raising a Voice and Rising Up Against Violence, Together

We are all well-aware of the staggering statistic that one in four college women will be victims of sexual assault. In order for progress, both in legislation and social ideologies, that we desire to be enacted the taboo on women’s struggles must be removed. The Vagina Monologues embraces feminine sexuality in all facets– from the first realization of having a vagina to the first sexual encounter. The show creates an incredible sense of unity amongst the cast and audience and is part of the backbone that will support progress in ameliorating this statistic both on our campus and beyond.  


2. Unrestrained, Hilarious Comedy

Let’s just say this show does not hold back. Packed full of bizarre and mildly-disturbing anecdotes and riddled with comedic punch-lines, The Vagina Monologuesis like the love-child of Saturday Night Live and . Plus, laughter is supposed to be good for the mind, body and soul!


3. Vaginas Matter to Everyone

Put bluntly, we all ark from vaginas. Beyond that, we either have one or have an interest in pleasuring one or are just generally curious about what the heck one is. The Vagina Monologues, is the way more entertaining and socially-condoned way of find out, in lieu of hours spent Google stalking. 


4. You get to hear the word “Vagina” all night long!!

How many Saturday nights in a lifetime can you honestly say you spent hearing “Vagina” 100+ times? Well, now is your chance to knock this one off the bucket list. Basically, what could possibly be better than an entire show filled with a word that normally doesn’t factor into everyday conversation?!


5. $10- More than just your ticket in the door…

As mentioned above, the entire proceeds of the show will be donated to The Advocacy Center! Not only is the event low cost (at $10 a ticket), but the money is going to an excellent organization that helps survivors of heinous crimes reclaim their voices!


6. It’s a Perfect Date Night!

Ever feel like boyfriend just isn’t getting what it’s like to be woman? No better way to throw him into the deep end, than making a date of this year’s show. He will gain valuable insight into the factors that affect your everyday life, who knows what could come of his newfound knowledge ;)


7. At Its Root The Show Is About LOVING YOURSELF

Learning to be comfortable in your skin and, not to sound cliched, but simultaneously embracing all your “imperfections” as the very factors that make you delightfully one-of-kind is a life-long task. The Vagina Monologues is a celebration of discovery and appreciate for the anatomy that comprises who we are. Regardless of what gender you identify as, the show promises to resonate will all.


8. The Art of Aleksej, A Brilliant Director

Cornell’s production is directed by sophomore ILR major, Aleksej Aarsaether. He is a both a talented thespian and visionary artist. In an interview with Her Campus, he insinuated to plenty of dynamic and creative scenes that will enrapture viewers, as well as take them by surprise. A budding theater genius, Aleksej has crafted a show that is brimming with emotion and steeped with ingenuity. 





I am a sophomore Communication major at Cornell University, with minors in Creative Writing and Law & Society. I was born and raised in California and, besides writing, I have interests in 4-H, law and film production. At Cornell, I serve on the Literature Review, am an avid member of Film Society, work as a Cornell Ambassador and participate in AWC (American Women in Communication). I am also the Campus Correspondent for Cornell's Her Campus chapter!!