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Kevin Powers

Name: Kevin Powers
Year: 2013
School: CC
Major: Economics/Psychology

Hometown: Rye, NY

Relationship Status: Single

On-Campus Activities: Sigma Phi Epsilon, Bwog Sports Writer, Former Varsity Soccer Player, Current Intramural Volleyball Star 

Off-campus activities: Soccer, skiing, tennis, running, spring breaker, and board member of Right to Dream USA

Pet-Peeves: When righties sit in lefty desks. We already can’t use scissors, at least give us our desks. Also, GS students. 

Dream Job: Richard Branson – so, just like, a boss

If you were stuck on a deserted island, you would need: Bear Grylls. I’m pretty sure he could figure the rest out. 

Every guys needs these three things: A suit that fits, a good sense of humor, and a half decent knowledge of Shark Week 

Your perfect date in 7 words or less: A bottle of wine and Chocolat (and you better pronounce it right)

Favorite off-campus location: Morningside Park after midnight

Favorite thing about NYC: Anything you could ever want is a subway ride (read: cab ride) away

Favorite class and professor at Columbia: Favorite Professor – Gareth Williams for Lit Hum – Not my favorite course, but a really interesting guy with a cool accent. Favorite Course – Art Hum –  Went in with low expectations, went out being able to sound really pompous at a dinner party. 

Spirit Animal: Turtle

Dream wife: TBD

One thing you want to do before graduating: Have a beer in every borough in one day. 

Top three albums/songs of all time: I’m judging myself for these, but Dispatch, Bang Bang, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Stadium Arcadium, and Eminem, The Eminem Show. Did I mention I’m white?

If you could have a super power what would it be and why: The ability to walk through walls. That way, I could actually walk in a straight line from one place to another on campus.

If you could invite anyone to dinner, you would ask: The cast of Arrested Development. I can’t imagine a funnier group of people. 

HamDel decides to name a sandwich after you (what’s it called and what’s in it): The PowerTrip – chicken cutlet, melted cheddar, bacon, avocado, balsamic vinaigrette (it’s basically a love-child of the HamDel Betsy and Subsconscious GPA)