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10 Things to do Instead of Studying for Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colgate chapter.

Basically, literally anything. This is what everyone would rather be doing than studying for the heinous week of final exams. Daily hygiene becomes an optional activity, while freaking out at anyone that pretends to be nice to you (after they clearly just stole the last study carrel from you) is a must.

So just hold on…don’t go pulling more hair out or texting old boyfriends because all this anger that is escalating is bringing back familiar feelings of hatred. We’ve all been there. We’re all here. So before you have a completely epic meltdown, take a minute and …

1.     Go for an irrationally long run.  Something those training for a marathon would take.

2.     “Accidently” get lost on said run.  Take a left, then a right, then spin around, but don’t look at any street signs or significant landmarks to help you get back.

3.     Hit Yogate maybe once, but probably twice in a day.  Don’t short your procrastination by using a car though…make the trek and feast.

4.     Make a thorough Spotify playlist.  Get those oldies but goodies on there. Get those songs you scream solely in the shower. 

5.     Check Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, MySpace, Youtube, Vine, HowCast, even Tinder.  Do some necessary stalking of that cute boy, whom you’ve never seen before around campus but is now sitting right across from you!! Exhaust every possible video you may come across from talking animals to Bieber’s music videos.

6.     Walk around the library talking to everyone and their mother about how you “literally can’t even” with the amount of work you have.  Your roommates and best friends are probably getting sick of hearing about it, so get up and find someone else to whine to. 

7.     Get a coffee from the library café.  Before you pick it up though, make sure everyone knows this large cup is symbolic of the all-nighter you are about to pull, then proceed to talk to whoever is available…or simply breathing.

8.     Recheck every social media platform that is currently in existence.  Sure, it’s only been a few minutes since you last picked up your phone and hit refresh, but you just can never be too sure. Maybe someone uploaded new pictures from the weekend before. And what about potential Tinder matches??? We cannot leave them hangin’.

9.     Take a Buzzfeed quiz..or two..or three.  You can never find out too much about yourself after taking these. Put down your psychology textbook and find out “How Dad You Are?” and “Which Pac-Man Ghost You Are?” and most importantly “What Your Study Habits Say About You?”

10. Text all of your friends from home, your high school, anyone who doesn’t go to school with you.  Make sure they know that your exams are the hardest. No other school in the country can compare. 

So as you stare into the dark abyss that is your study carrel, remember that Finals Week is not the end. With the right amount of time and dedication, we’ll find a way to procrastinate and stress ourselves out more than we have to. But it’ll get better. Study. Coffee. Distraction. Coffee. Test. Winter Break. We’re only a few breakdowns away from the freedom that is Holiday lights, snowfalls, hot chocolate, eggnog, friends, family, and most importantly…25 Days of Christmas on ABC Family.