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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.

Year: Freshman

Dorm: Sturtevant

Favorite dining hall: Dana

Major: Economics

Hometown: Rensselaer, NY

Relationship status: Single

Three Things You Can’t Live Without: family, music, Entourage

Interests: Hockey, golf, fishing

Favorite Movie:  Step Brothers

Favorite Song: Where the Streets Have no Name –U2

Favorite Book:  Wherever I Wind Up

Favorite Professional Athlete: Tom Brady

What do you do on campus? 

Hockey, eating, and learning.

What’s one girl trend you don’t understand? 

High waisted shorts.

What do you look for in a girl? How about a deal breaker? 

Smart, funny, good looking, and into sports.  Deal breaker would be anyone too serious; I like girls who are laid back.

If a girl offered to make you dinner, what would you ask her to cook?

Chicken parm.

What’s your most embarrassing moment?

Doing this.

What’s your favorite pick-up line?

Do you have a map, because I am lost in your eyes.

What makes you different from the average Colby student?

My hair.

What’s the worst thing about being a freshman boy? How about the best thing? 

Worst thing: warding off the senior girls.   Best thing: warding off the senior girls.

How did your first kiss go down?

Middle School Activity Night, next to the foosball tables.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Rack City, not sure where it is, though.

Any guilty pleasures?

Cosmic brownies.

What’s your dream job?

Anything that I love doing.

Finish this song lyric in any way you please… “New Kids on the Block had a bunch of hits, Chinese food makes me sick, and I think it’s fly when…”

girls stop by sturty 310, sturty 310.

What kind of shampoo do you use?

Paul Mitchell.

Write a love haiku about the Colby men’s hockey team…

What is a haiku?

Which boy band would you be in and why, since you look like you’d be in one anyway? 

N*SYNC, because they are superior to the Backstreet boys.

What’s your spirit animal and why? 

Golden retriever, great flow.

Any stuffed animals?

No stuffed animals, but there might be a Mr. Blankie…

Which reality TV show would you be on? 

P Diddy’s Making the Band (throwback).

If you were president of Colby, what’s the first thing you would change or add?

Chipotle on campus.

Speed or stick skills? …on the ice, that is.

Stick skills, of course.





Eliza hails from Cambridge, MA. She is a senior English major with a concentration in creative writing at Colby College. She has been working with Her Campus Colby since it launched. At Colby, she is also mentors a little girl twice a week and cooks at the Mid Maine Homeless Shelter. She knows more about sports than most boys-- especially Boston sports-- her one true love. But she also has a passion for classic literature, fashion, and modern art.
Brett is a senior at Colby College. She is an international studies and anthropology double major, and spent her first semester of college in Dijon, France.  She enjoys writing, traveling, Gossip Girl, and Thai food. Already having interned at fashion designers and magazines, she is excited to contribute to Her Campus! She is also a certified personal trainer and loves working out.