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When You Don’t Know How to Flirt

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

Flirting. A concept we’re all familiar with. Some of us are better at it than others. I, for one, am awful at it. Here are some moments you might understand if you don’t know how to flirt.

Not getting the hint

Wait was that flirting?

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Reading too deep into things

If he likes all of my tweets does that mean he likes me??

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You constantly embarrass yourself

Did I seriously just say that??

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Not knowing how to respond

*internal screaming*

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You’re either too obvious…

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Or not obvious enough… 

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But no matter how bad you think you are at flirting, there’s someone out there who thinks you’re the coolest. Go find them and flirt with them, it’ll be great.

I'm a junior at CNU majoring in communication studies and minoring in psychology. I spend most of my time in the library or binge-watching somethng on netflix. I enjoy the outdoors, a good cup of coffee, taking care of animals and the environment, and writing articles about topics that matter to me. Enjoy!