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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.

Feminism is a term and concept that has quickly skyrocketed into the everyday lives of people around the world due to the rise of advocacy for women’s rights.  It is all great and wonderful that women’s rights are getting so much attention so quickly, but because of this feminism is being poorly defined. It is often exaggerated or mistaken for something negative or extremely progressive.  Sure, progress is important in all of this, but extreme? I don’t necessarily think so.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard feminism used in the same sentence or conversation as “bra burning” or “anti-men”. Trust me, I hate having to wear an uncomfortable bra just as much as the next girl, but my occasional complaint about the strap digging into my shoulder is the least of my worries. What does scare me is the issue that feminism isn’t being understood correctly among today’s society.

 The best and easiest way I have found feminism to be defined is simply this: women having equal rights to men across every aspect of society. That’s it.  We as feminists aren’t asking for a superiority complex over men. We just want the same rights our male counterparts receive: equal pay, acknowledgement of our brains before our body, and overall, fair opportunity. I know that our country has progressed a long way already in many areas, and for that I am proud to call myself American.  

So ladies, being a feminist isn’t a negative attribute or something that should be deemed inappropriate. It just means you believe you and your fellow sisters are worth it. And to my men out there reading this, being a feminist doesn’t suggest you’re weak, cowardly, or that you’ve lost your “man card”.  It conveys that you think your mother, sister, daughter, wife, girlfriend and other women around the world deserve what you deserve. Respect and equality. So, all that being said, feminism is kind of a cool concept.  So ladies, respect yourself and each other. You’re worth it.  Guys, support the women in your life and believe in their incredible abilities and potential.  Yeah, bras suck; but feminism doesn’t.

Sophomore at Clemson University
Caitlin Barkley is currently a senior at Clemson University pursuing a degree in both Biology and Psychology. In 2016-2017, she served as the Campus Correspondent and Editor-in-Chief for Her Campus Clemson after joining her freshman year. She is also an ambassador with the Calhoun Honors College, a teacher with Clemson Dancers, and a member of Tiger Strut Dance Company. Caitlin is a colonizing member of the South Carolina Beta Chapter of Pi Beta Phi, and she serves as the current Chapter President. A few of her favorite things include coffee, her Clemson ring, and fuzzy blankets! Follow her on Instagram @c_barkley19