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10 Ways to Beat a Rainy Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.
Beating a Rainy Day
Everyone just loves a nice rainy day…NOT! Rain is horrible for college students. You 
have to walk through it to get to class, to eat, to the library, and lets just forget about 
going to the gym! BUT here at Clemson we are in for a few more days of this nasty 
weather. This means we HAVE to find a way to get around it. I asked some Clemson 
students how they beat the rain, and here are their answers…
1. “Sleep? Duh?”
2. “Listen to fun music-make a playlist on Spotify!”
4. “Order food! Tigers-to-Go is your best friend.”
5. “Look ridiculous and go dance and play in the rain”
6. “Movie Marathon or Netflix day!”
7.  “Play games with friends in your dorm”
8.  “Get ahead on schoolwork”
9. “Play pranks on your friends”
10. “Just remember there’s only 16 days until summer!”
There you have it ladies. Surefire ways to beat the rain…whether this is your first 
year at Clemson or your last, make the most of these last few weeks before freedom!
I am a Psychology major. I was Maryland born and raised. I love soccer, the beach, and making Her Campus part of my Clemson story!