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8 Facebook Pages to Like Right Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clark chapter.

1. Batdad

You’ve probably seen at least one Batdad video show up on your News Feed at some point, and for good reason. This page is run by a father who puts on a Batman mask and videotapes himself interacting with his family while speaking in a Batman voice. You won’t be able to keep from laughing especially when you see his wife, Jen’s, hilarious reactions.

2. Tasty

Tasty videos of mouthwatering recipes often go viral and have people heading to the grocery store with iPhone in hand to pick up ingredients. The popular page describes their recipes as “food that’ll make you close your eyes, lean back, and whisper ‘yessss.’”

3. Love What Matters

This page will tug at absolutely everyone’s heartstrings with their daily posts about love and human kindness. Fair warning, many posts will make you tear up, but you’ll walk away with a little more faith in humanity every time.

4. HerCampus.com

This is an obvious one! Her Campus has mastered the art of posting funny, thought provoking and helpful content daily. If you don’t already, go “Like” their page right now or you’ll be missing out!

5. Humans of New York

Ok, you probably already like this one. But if you don’t GO LIKE IT! Humans of New York is an awesome photography project that tells the stories of the millions of people who pass through New York City everyday. You will always find posts that will amaze you, fill you with sadness and fill you with joy, and so much more.

6. Betches

Dry, sassy humor that will never fail to make you chuckle. The team behind the Betches page never holds back and will have you thinking every once in a while “Did they really just say that?!” while you’re laughing so hard there are tears in your eyes. 

7. Buzzfeed Food

Similar to Tasty, Buzzfeed Food is all about serving up recipe videos that will have you running towards the kitchen to test out every new recipe. Warning: do not watch these videos when you are hungry!

8. Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls

An organization whose motto is “Change the World by Being Yourself” is bound to post some great content, and that is exactly what Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls page does. You’ll find empowering articles and unique posts that celebrate girls with a constant focus on being yourself. 

Kelly is a student at Clark University pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Cultural Studies and Communications with a minor in Business Management. When Kelly is not in class, you can find her working in the Education Department at The Hanover Theatre, teaching Zumba classes and dancing her heart out with Clark University's Dance Society. Her favorite color is pink (especially Her Campus pink!) and she loves everything monogrammed. Kelly enjoys spending time with her friends, family, boyfriend, and two adorable cats. Kelly is thrilled to be a new Campus Correspondent alongside one of her best friends, Ciara Kilian. Follow along with her on Instagram and Twitter @kellrour HCXO!