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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clarion chapter.

What is beauty?


According to Webster’s dictionary, it’s “the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit.” However, in today’s society, they equate beauty with a small waist, big butt, and big boobs. When you look on the TV or in any magazine, the women shown are these photo shopped perfect-figured and perfect faced-women. To the women looking at the models, they feel as though there is something wrong with them, and they try to adjust themselves to fit what the world sees as “beautiful.” There are so many weight loss programs, exercise machines, cleanses, and products that help shape and contour your body. But when you take a look in everyday life, you see women of all shapes, sizes, and colors. There is not one person who looks the same as another, and everyone is beautiful.

You may feel like you have to look this way or that way to be accepted, but true beauty comes from the inside. There have been so many ad campaigns for plus-sized models and darker skinned models and I am totally here for it! There should be an equal representation of all types of women in the media. I remember being young and looking in magazines and then at my mother and asking her why she didn’t look like those ladies. She said, “I don’t look like them because I choose tnot o. I am gorgeous the way I am, and if anyone has a problem with the way I look, they can kiss my ass.” Children are so impressionable, and they need to see a variety of women in the magazines. Representation matters and I don’t think the media understands that. All they are worried about is what they think will sell, but I know for a fact that if there were more images of women that don’t fit “the norm,” then readers would see someone like them, and understand that they are beautiful too. 

No matter what you look like, you are gorgeous. You need to love every single one of your attributes and work them. There is someone looking at you everyday thinking that you are beautiful, and you need to believe it. Don’t try and change yourself to fit inside of a box. Dare to be comfortable in your own skin and love your flaws. Once you start to accept your beauty, others will fall in line and accept it too. Who knows who you will inspire.