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Marisa Rosner

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chatham chapter.
Marisa Rosner
Year: Senior 
Hometown and what you love about it: Hilliard, Ohio is my hometown! I love the sense of community that it gives me.
Area of study and how you chose it: Psychology is my area of study. I aspire to be a motivational speaker and knew I wanted to do something that would help me better understand this field. The ability to understand people and why they do what they do is a perfect fit to compliment my career path.
What organizations are you involved with at Chatham? 
I am the Vice President of the Choir and apart of our Chamber Choir. I am also a Resident Assistant.
What is one thing you hope to learn in 2015?  
I hope to learn how to spread my wings and fly. With graduation right around the corner, I want to learn how to close my eyes and not know which way is up and be okay with that.
Why did you choose Chatham? 
I chose Chatham because I knew I wanted a more personal experience.  I also have always dreamed of living in Pittsburgh and I thought “what better way to do that than to go to school out here.” 
What advice do you have for prospective students making their college decision? 
I would advise them to go with their gut feeling. Sometimes you have to think about something for a long time before the answers become clear, and they may never become clear, but eventually, your heart and mind will start to sway in one direction as to what you want. Recognizing and understanding your intuition is the best advice I can give.
What’s surprised you most about Chatham so far?  
I have been very surprised with the encouraging and inspiring environment. This place is special and the people that end up here are special. This campus is unlike any other.
Childhood Dream Job: To be a chief
Current Dream Job: Motivational Speaker
If you could only eat at one Pittsburgh restaurant for a full year, which one would you pick and why? 
I would pick Mercurio’s Pizza because it is literally the best pizza/food I have ever had!  I believe that pizza can be broken down into many brackets and as for brick-oven pizza; this is top of the line. Not to mention they have a built in gelateria so it’s a double threat.
If you could be best friends with any actor, who would you pick and why? 
I would pick either Don Knotts or Robin Williams because they both have an ability to laugh and make people laugh. They were also both very wise, insightful people to be around.
If you could join the cast of any TV show, which one would you pick and why? 
The Big Bang Theory because it is hilariously informative and lightweight. Chuck Lorrie does an amazing job with the storyline but even the actors seem to have such a blast just riding the wave of this show.
You have a friend visiting Pittsburgh for one day, and you’re planning the itinerary. Where do you take them?  
I would take my friend down to South Side or even the Strip District because they both have so much to offer. I would be sure the hit up Mercurio’s for lunch or dinner and I would top the evening off with the view of the city all lit up from the Look Out points.
You can live in the world of one book for a day. Which one do you choose and why? 
Due to my avoidance of reading I don’t know how accurately I can answer this question, but Maybe a Dr. Seuss book! It would be the best day ever!
All photos courtesy of Marisa Rosner.
Indigo Baloch is the HC Chatham Campus Correspondent. She is a junior at Chatham University double majoring in Creative Writing and Journalism and double minoring Graphic Design and an Asian Studies Certificate. Indigo is a writer and Editorial Assistant at Maniac Magazine and occasionally does book reviews for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. She is also the Public Relations Director for The Mr. Roboto Project (a music venue in Pittsburgh) and creates their monthly newsletter. During her freshman and sophomore year, Indigo was the Editor-in-Chief of Chatham's student driven newsprint: Communique. Currently, on campus, Indigo is the Communications Coordinator for Minor Bird (Chatham's literary magazine), the Public Relations Director for Chatham's chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, and a Staff Writer and Columnist for Communique. She has worked as a Fashion Editorial Intern for WHIRL Magazine, and has been a featured reader at Chatham's Undergraduate Reading Series and a featured writer in Minor Bird. She loves art, music, film, theater, writing, and traveling.