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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Finals season is upon us whether we want to admit it ot not. With that being said, so is the end of the semester (which I’m sure we’re all thrilled to admit). The end of the semester in college means going home for the holidays, seeing your friends whom you, for some, you haven’t seen since summer and of course all the wonderful home cooked food that isn’t from your school cafeteria.

However, the end of the semester meant something different in high school. In high school, we said goodbye to school for about three weeks even though your teacher probably loaded on the homework. It was a simple “see you later” to your friends because you were practically guaranteed to see them over break. High school and college are different no doubt, but these differences certainly surface when the semester is winding down. When classes are over in college, that truly means over.  

Classes are most likely only a semester long so that means that all of your classmates who you’ve gotten used to seeing across the room probably won’t be in your class next semester. This also means that there is not break homework. That’s right, none. This is a high schooler’s dream and lucky for you, it’s now your reality.

In high school, you’re also probably used to seeing your friends who you’ve known for what seems like forever everyday. In college, as I’m sure you’re aware, this will change. Your best friends probably won’t be going to school together in college so it’s an added bonus when you come home for Christmas and get to see the people who you’ve grown up with. High school and college are different but different doesn’t always mean bad. In this instance, it means exciting and challenging. Even though one can feel nostalgic during these times, it’s important to remember that home will always be there for you when you need to come back to the nest.