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Girl Code: Rules We Should All Try To Follow

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

1. Give out compliments like you would free candy; we all need them every once in awhile.


2. Help your friend text back her new crush; let’s face it, we all struggle with it.


3. Never let a girl go to the bathroom alone, especially if you don’t know the place very well.


4. Do not, under any circumstance, flirt with your friend’s boyfriend or crush.


5. Rescue the girls you can see that are being hit on by creeps.


6. When dropping a friend off, wait until she is inside her house before driving away.


7. Sometimes your friends need to vent; just listen, and let them talk it out.

8. Do not slut shame your friends; let them be.


9. Don’t let your very drunk friend go home with that very persistent guy.


10. If your friend is happy, be happy for her too.