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To The Boys Who Need To Know They’re Beautiful

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

You’re beautiful because you’re fiercely loyal to the people you love. You would do anything for them and hate seeing them upset. You’re beautiful when you walk out of a movie theater so moved that you need some time to yourself. You’re beautiful when you sing along to that one song on the radio. You’re beautiful because you care so much and go out of your way to make that one person smile.

You’re beautiful when your eyes light up as your mom cooks that one dish that makes everything all right again. You’re beautiful when you spend time with your best friends, doing nothing in particular and having the time of your life. You’re beautiful when you save the last slice of cake for your brother and when you stay up late to drop your sister off at the airport. Your sleepy voice on the phone is beautiful. Your smile when you watch your favorite movie is beautiful. Thinking about that one person just before you fall asleep is beautiful.

Don’t boys deserve to know they’re beautiful too? Don’t they deserve to be told how amazing they are every single day? So here’s to the boys who worry about their looks, their hair and whether they fit into a particular mold that society has made for them. Here’s to the boys who often worry they’re not “manly” enough.

Your hairstyle, the shape of your beard, your skin, your body and your height do not matter. You want to know what really matters? It’s what lies within. It’s your heart.