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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Easter is a traditional holiday in many places around the globe, but it is not celebrated the same way in every part. Of course, the first things that come to the mind are the cute rabbits and chocolate eggs, but many cultures have another traditions in this time of the year. Here are five of them:  

1. Finland

The finnish easter looks much more like the Halloween. Children dress up like witches, wear colorful paints on their faces and visit the neighbors’ houses looking for gifts. It is also part of the tradition making bonfires in order to maintain the bad spirits and witches away.

Image Source: Depositphotos

2. Greece

The greeks, during this time of the year, keep their tradition of breaking things, like they usually do on weddings when they throw dishes right on the floor. During the easter, they throw clay pots through the window. According to their tradition, making a huge noise is a good manner of putting away the bad luck.

3. Bermuda Islands

The tradition in this caribbean island doesn’t involve chocolates or any other kind of gifts. For many people and cultures, easter has a religious meaning, because it is also a christian holiday that represents the Christ’s ressurrection. In the Bermuda Islands, the tradition follows the catholic calendar, and consists in flying kites over the sky to celebrate Jesus Christ’s rebirth.

Image Source: Notícias do Bem

4. India

In India, Easter has a religious meaning too, but not the christian one: the indians celebrate in this time of the year Krishna’s emergence, the main god in the hinduist faith. To celebrate, people dance, play flutes, throw colorful powders in each other and invite friends to their houses for eating. All of this rituals together are most known as Holi Festival.

5. Mexico

In Mexico, the tradition called ‘’Cascarones’’ consists in draining out eggs, and then stuffing them with colorful papers. After that, people throw the eggs in each other. According to the tradition, the person who is reached by this especial eggs will have good luck.

Image Source: Rivard Report

These singular and distinct ways of celebrating the easter are able to show the different manners every culture finds to remember a special date. Even though the traditions here described are very different from the hegemonic ones. they are as important and special as the others, and prove that diversity can be really good.

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Monique Sampaio

Casper Libero

Feminist,in love with literature and coffee,proud of being latina.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.