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Humans of Cal Poly

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

Photographer Credit: Nesrine Mazjoub

“What’s your most beautiful memory?”

“I’ve never told her this, actually. My friend Jaymie and I, I think my freshman year, were going to Montana De Oro, and you know the one with the big dune? We were at the top of that and then I just remember—I was standing at the top and Jaymie starts running down flapping her arms like an idiot and is laughing and screaming and just runs straight into the ocean. I thought it was so cool; I did the same thing. I think I was in a place where I had all of these ‘Why am I so insecure’ feelings and I didn’t want to feel like that anymore. Like, why are humans are so worried about what other people think of them? Why are we all trying to fit into this mold of what everyone else wants us to be, and why are we not just, like, running down the hill into the ocean flapping our arms like an idiot? I feel that when Jaymie did that, she just gave me permission to be a free, bumbling idiot running down a hill. It was one of those things where you instantly get something…I just saw it and I had this huge dorky smile on my face and we just did it.” 

Hunter Laningham is a fourth year English major at Cal Poly and her life never ceases to be interesting. She enjoys listening to rock music, writing various readable things, and spending time outdoors, primarily in forests. Hunter recently returned from an unexpected journey much like Bilbo's which, funnily enough, actually included a dragon. She loved her time in Central Europe and even made it to Iceland, but she's always happy to be back in SLO. Hunter is currently working on her first novel and hopes to finish it before she's 100. Catch her on campus, downtown, or on a mountain and strike up a conversation. She's friendly but shy, so just hold out your hand and talk softly and she'll come to you.
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Aja Frost

Cal Poly

Aja Frost is a college junior living in San Luis Obispo, California. She is equally addicted to good books and froyo, and considers the combo of the two the best since pb & b (peanut butter and banana.) Aja has been published on the Huffington Post, USA Today College, Newsweek, The Daily Muse, xoJane, and Bustle, among other publications. Follow her on Twitter: @ajavuu