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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.
  1. *Sees movie poster outside the theatre* I don’t know whether I’m thrilled or terrified about what is going to happen in this movie.
  2. Okay, cool. I’m not the only person in this theater.
  3. Oh my gosh, why is there an old man sitting by himself? Why would he need to see this movie?
  4. Then again, why do I need to see this movie?
  5. I can’t believe they made another Hot Tub Time Machine.
  6. Focus Features? Jamie Dornan’s features are what I’ll be focusing on.
  8. All of Christian’s clothes are grey. How surprising.
  9. This Anastasia chick is literally Bella Swan.
  11. How can college students afford an apartment this nice?
  12. Anastasia’s roommate is way prettier than her.
  13. Everyone at this office is also wearing grey.
  14. Did she really just fall down?
  15. Oh, hello perfect specimen of a man, clearly fashioned in the image of a Greek god.
  16. This interview is so uncomfortable.
  17. Can we just skip to the parts where Jamie Dornan takes his clothes off?
  18. “I exercise control in all things.” SMH.
  19. Anastasia, the fact that you’re studying English Literature is pretty much the only reason I like you.
  20. This film is way too intense, and it has only been five minutes.
  21. I can’t believe you just let your roommate steal your sandwich! You do not sacrifice food in college!
  22. Wow, this girl would work at a hardware store with an attractive man she casually spends her time pretending doesn’t exist.
  23. Did Christian just show up at her work?!
  24. He is a stalker.
  25. Christian is a stalker.
  26. Anastasia, why would you want this man who stalked you when you have that lovely coworker?
  27. I never knew hardware could be so sexual.
  28. Christian doesn’t smile, he smolders.
  29. Don’t touch her face passionately and then run away from her! This is how trust issues are created.
  31. If someone gifted me with first-edition books, I’d probably sleep with them too.
  32. Anastasia should be drunk all the time. She’s an amazing DAB.
  33. That moment when she throws up and says “Don’t look at me” is so real.
  34. “I will launder this item.” Drunk Anastasia is my favorite.
  38. Whenever he says “Laters, baby,” I melt.
  39. And then suddenly a helicopter appeared.
  40. Wait, there’s more! Not only do I own a helicopter, I can fly one!
  42. Edward Cullen has a piano, too.
  43. Let me get this straight. If she doesn’t do what you want, you’re going to hurt her?
  44. K, bye forever.
  45. But this apartment is so nice.
  46. OMG here comes the playroom everybody.
  47. Christian seriously just needs a hug.
  48. I can’t believe she’s a virgin.
  49. Pretty sure Edward also asked Bella if she trusted him, and then he turned her into a vampire.
  50. There is way too much boob happening here.
  51. I don’t even see my own nipples this much.
  52. Aaaand that is a man butt.
  53. Gross, why is his chest weird?
  54. That’s one sexy skylight.
  55. I’m just waiting for Christian to admit he’s a vampire.
  56. Cool. Casually playing piano while naked in the darkness.
  57. Love isn’t a contract, yo.
  58. Wowie! Anastasia gets to have one date with you! How generous!
  59. If he told me he’d slept with 15 women, but that they didn’t mean anything because those girls didn’t get to ride in his helicopter, I’d probably punch him in the face.
  60. Kate (Anastasia’s roommate), you are so nosy! Let homegirl have her time!
  61. This new apartment is also way too nice for college students.
  62. How can they just afford to buy a new apartment?
  63. Why is my life not this glamorous?
  64. Time for Christian to reveal his traumatizing backstory.
  66. I wish business meetings in real life were like this, mainly because I want to be served free sushi.
  68. I take back every bad thing I ever said about Christian.
  69. That embarrassing photo of Anastasia is actually SpongeBob from the Christmas party.
  70. I wonder how long it took Jamie Dornan to learn how to braid hair for this role.
  71.  Bow down to Queen Bey.
  72. You can’t be mad that she’s going to visit her mom. Moms are everything,
  73. “I’m having dinner with an old friend.” More like “I want to give you severe trust issues and drive you crazy, then tell you it’s your fault.”
  74. Give the girl back her Cosmo!
  75. This plane ride is the stuff of nightmares.
  76. If someone took me on this date I would be vomiting everywhere.
  77. Time for Christian to share more about his troubled past.
  78. What a classy peacock feather.
  80. I feel so much apprehension for what is about to happen next.
  81. Literally covering my eyes in the theater.
  82. Everyone around me is gasping and whispering.
  83. He’s just straight-up hitting her.
  84. I’m so sad.
  85. Anastasia is also so sad.
  86. Why did you do this Christian?!
  87. I hate that you’re so attractive when you’re sweaty.
  88. No! Don’t give him back the car! Take the car and run!
  89. Run after her! Tell her you love her and that you’ll change! That’s literally candy to all the women in this room.
  90. Anastasia.
  91. Christian.
  92. OMG.
  93. It’s over.
  95. RAGE QUIT!
  96. I regrettably admit that I’m excited for the sequel, mainly to see more of Jamie’s delicious v-lines. 
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Aja Frost

Cal Poly

Aja Frost is a college junior living in San Luis Obispo, California. She is equally addicted to good books and froyo, and considers the combo of the two the best since pb & b (peanut butter and banana.) Aja has been published on the Huffington Post, USA Today College, Newsweek, The Daily Muse, xoJane, and Bustle, among other publications. Follow her on Twitter: @ajavuu