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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.

Why did I choose to be Pro-Choice? I have many reasons.

The first and most important reason—It’s not my business what another woman decides to do with her body. Women are human too, we should be allowed to do what we want with our own bodies. A woman may have her reasons for not wanting a child at the moment—not financially stable, not ready for it, and the list goes on. Whatever the reason, a woman should have her say in it.

Pregnancy isn’t easy. Pregnancy can be emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausting. Sometimes we aren’t ready for everything that comes with pregnancy. When accidents happen, we realize we aren’t ready to deal with everything that comes with it. Some of us know we aren’t ready for motherhood. It’s better to admit we aren’t ready than to do something we want nothing to do with.

“Well, you got pregnant on accident, so that’s your own fault. You have to deal with it now.” Wrong. We all have accidents in life. We should be able to have options, and second chances. It’s a part of learning. I believe everyone, including women, should have the option of a second choice. I know if I were in a hard situation, I’d want options. Places like Planned Parenthood give women options, which is why we should keep places like this in business.

We’re not always financially stable when we get pregnant. Kids costs a lot of money, we know that. Especially if you are going to be a single mother. I’m 22 years old, and still in college. I know I’m not financially ready to have a child yet. If birth control fails, I know I’m not ready. We need to have options.

On that note, contraceptives can, and do, fail. According to optionsforsexualhealth.org, IUDS are 99% effective, the shot is 94%, the pill is 91%, vaginal rings are also 91% effective, and condoms are only 82% effective. While still effective, there’s still a percentage of it that’s not. We try to protect ourselves from something we are not ready for, yet it can still happen. Women shouldn’t be punished for having sex when an accident happens.

Would I get an abortion? If I knew I wasn’t ready to have a baby. Would I judge a woman who’s had an abortion? No. We should all have the freedom to do what we want with OUR bodies. No one can tell us what to do with it.

Sara is an Integrative Public Relations Major at Central Michigan University. She hopes to work in a PR agency one day, managing social media for clients. When she's not reading yet another book from one of her three bookshelves, she can be found cuddling her cats, Luna and Selene.