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Her Campus Sent Us a Back-to-School Survival Kit

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.


Shout out to Her Campus for their much-appreciated Back-to-School Survival Kit that we received this past week.  In it, we found all the day-to-night essentials busy collegiettes such as ourselves could need, from school supplies to energy drinks.

Our pens and notebooks from Poppin have already come in handy.  Their “Write Now” notebook is the perfect size to jot down homework or article ideas in.  The Neuro Sonic waters are perfect for an on-the-go lifestyle; the delicious drinks increase alertness, help sustain energy, and support mental performance.  The Luna bars were as tasty as ever, and we loved the S’mores flavor!

Along with all these gifts from Her Campus sponsors, our friends at Her Campus National also sent us some company swag.  Glasses, backpacks, and stickers galore were included in the kit, and we especially loved our Procrastinating Audrey!  

Camilla States is a member of the class of 2015 at The College of Charleston.  She hails from the seaside town of Gloucester, Massachusetts, where she enjoys spending her summers on both land and sea.  A Communications major also pursuing a minor in Political Science, Camilla aspires for a future career in broadcast or print journalism. She is also studying Modern Standard Arabic, with hopes of one day becoming proficient in the language. From a young age, Camilla has held a fascination for world geography and foreign cultures.  She hopes to someday traverse the world, from New England to New Zealand and everywhere in between.