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The Art of Being Awkward (And Embracing It)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

Let’s think back to middle school for a moment, shall we?

It’s hard, but really. Think about it for a second. Most of us might imagine a mouth full of braces, having a closet full of Aeropostale and Hollister t-shirts, and having a MySpace profile.

Not to mention those middle school dances.

Uh, yeah.

Even though these thoughts may make us cringe, it’s important to think about. Yes, this so-called “awkward phase” is behind us, but it doesn’t mean we’re completely spared from those awkward situations. You know, like accidentally laughing too hard at someone’s joke or discovering you’ve been wearing your shirt backwards all morning. And don’t pretend like you’ve never accidentally sent a double-chin selfie to the wrong person on Snapchat. It’s okay—we’ve all been there.

It’s time to change the way we view what being awkward means. Isn’t it more fun to laugh at ourselves instead of pretending to be something we’re not? Life itself is, well, awkward. We WILL sing in the car way too loudly without knowing the car beside is watching us belt it out. We WILL accidentally wave to someone on the street and realize it was the wrong person. And, if we’re lucky, we WILL trip on the sidewalk in between class changes.

Being awkward is a good thing. It means that you’re human, and that you just so happen to embrace life differently compared to everyone else. So what if you locked yourself out of your room in your bathrobe? Or if you showed up to a party completely dressed up, only to find that absolutely no one else did.  Embrace it. Laugh. This is what life is about. And just think- at least you no longer update your MySpace page.

You keep doing you, girl.








A v-neck enthusiast from Greenville, South Carolina, Megan Dunn is a sophomore majoring in Communication and double minoring in Creative Writing and Film Studies. Having always been interested in media, she plans on one day being the female version of Ryan Seacrest. While she’s not writing or working on her campus radio show, Megan can be found binge watching Netflix or quoting Mean Girls.