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books on brown wooden shelf
Susan Yin/Unsplash

5 Tips to Get You Through Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

Finals are creeping up which means we’re going to be spending the last few hours before exams cramming information in. Procrastination is inevitable, especially for those of us who feel we work best under pressure. You know who you are, procrastinators. It may be a bit more stressful than being organized and prepared weeks in advance, but that stress is what gives you the push you need to focus on what you’re doing. But there’s always a right and wrong way to do things, and procrastinating is no exception. During finals week, remember these tips to stay sane.

  • Don’t set unrealistic goals

Procrastination is, of course, the act of postponing something, usually until the last minute. But be honest with yourself. You’re not going to finish that 4 page research paper in an hour. The key is to know when enough is enough. It’s hard to finally get started reading that book or working on a presentation, but if you wait until it’s too late, you’re going to drive yourself crazy. And trying to cram in all that information in such a short amount of time isn’t going to help you remember anything for the exam.

  • DON’T pull an all nighter

All nighters sound like a good idea. Sacrificing a few hours of sleep to get some extra studying in can’t be that bad, right? Wrong! You need a good night’s sleep in order to stay focused and to retain all the information you just studied. If you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll be too tired to do well on your exam. And caffeine can only help so much.

  • Get rid of distractions

Once you finally crack down and start studying, you need to ensure that you won’t get distracted again. Clear your study area of everything besides what you’re studying, i.e. empty water bottles, hair accessories, even pens. Seriously, you’d be surprised at what can distract you when you’re reluctantly trying to be productive. If you’re forced to work on your computer, log out of all social media sites that are just too tempting.


  • Stock up on brain food

You may get snacky while you’re studying, so it’s best to have foods around that help you concentrate. Some snacks to have on hand are berries, walnuts, green tea, chocolate, almonds, avacado, hazelnuts, pecans, and so many more. Avoid super strong energy drinks and extra cups of coffee. A little caffeine is fine, but too much will just make you jittery and you’ll have to deal with the inevitable crash which will probably happen during your exam.

  • Remain Calm

Getting yourself worked up and anxious is only going to cause you to procrastinate even longer because you’re too stressed to concentrate. Set up a calming environment that you know you will work best in. That may mean you need to have music playing, or maybe you need complete silence. You might be most productive when working in the library, or you may realize that you get too distracted by other people. We all have different brains so what helps someone else stay focused and relaxed might not be the best way for you. Figure out what keeps you relaxed AND helps you stay focused on your work.


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Erin Wiley is a junior at the College of Charleston, pursuing an AB degree in Arts Management with a minor in Communication. She has been writing for Her Campus for almost two years and created and maintains Her Campus CofC's Pinterest page. She loves everything from music to movies to fashion, and everything in between. After college, she hopes to do something in the entertainment industry, working with either a music producer or a film company. In her spare time, Erin likes to read, watch movies, and walk around historic downtown Charleston.