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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buff State chapter.

To whom it may concern, to the “lady” who tried to shame me.

It is disgusting to know that you embarrassed another woman for being a woman. But how can you know what a woman is if you yourself wasn’t woman enough to approach me about a menstrual bleed. As women, our biggest fear is the menstrual bleed, fear to bleed through and have the whole world see you. We constantly feel embarrass when others know it’s that time of the month, or having to buy feminine products (especially when guys are around), and our biggest fear of all is leakage.

However, why do we feel shame for being a woman, this isn’t just a stain, it’s a stain of strength and power. Yet, this stain of menstruation haunts us, because no one wants to wear white or that pretty little dress. Tampons, Pads, Cups, Liners to prevent leaks but that still doesn’t stop your menstruation spill. But it’s ok to have a leak, our period is something that is never predictable and it is a reminder to us and the world that no one is perfect. It is also a reminder that we as women are strong, mentally, physically and emotionally. We carry the most weight with no complain, kind of like Beyoncé reasoning to lemonade. As women in society we are placed on the bottom of the hierarchy. We always get the bad end of the stick & we constantly take it to make fire. While you can give a guy a good stick & he’ll just throw it thinking its trash. We get lemons tossed at us and we make Lemonade. Cards are dealt & we play to win!

Accidents happen, it’s a human thing and it’s bad enough our men can feel the need to shame us for being a human being. So, to the “lady” who wrote that post-it note, I do not need another of my own sex shaming me for what once will happen to her. For one does not know when she leaks or spill, it would’ve been kind enough if you could’ve just pulled her to the side and said “girl, I think you had an accident go grab a tissue, I’ll pass you the Lysol and we can fix it”. We as women should uplift each other, not shame, degrade or abuse the next. In this cold world all we have is each other and if we unify we can be greater than anything.

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Gila Skelly

Buff State

Hello! My name is Gila. Fashion Merchandise major, aspiring to conquer all. My mission in life isn't just to fashionably aspire but to help, inspire, encourage, uplift and motivate women of the world. "It's not just fashion, it's a lifestyle" - G.Skelly xoxo