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How To Spend Your Spring Break Sans Travel

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buff State chapter.

Some of us aren’t lucky enough to be traveling to an exotic location for Spring Break. Whether it was financial problems or not being able to find others to go with, some will be spending their break at home. And there is NOTHING wrong with that. You got a good thing going – being able to be away from school and relax without spending thousands of dollars? Score.

Be that as it may, you will probably find yourself being bored after the first day. Not to worry for here are some fun suggestions you can do if you aren’t able to travel for Spring Break.

  1. Catch up on your favorite shows

School will have you so behind on your shows that you will forget they exist and that you found so much joy in watching them. So take advantage of this break and catch up on all of them. Spend an entire day getting back acquainted with those characters you love so much. If that means spending endless hours in front of a television or computer screen, so be it. This is a no-judgement zone.


2. Read a good book

I know. The last thing you want to do on break is pick up a book. Your brain is already burned out from reading those hundred dollar textbooks. But there is nothing like reading something you actually enjoy. This is a perfect time to do it! No distractions, no assignments, no worry – just sit down, grab your favorite drink, and read that wonderful book of yours.


3. Try new recipes!


Trying out recipes is always fun! It makes you feel so legit and like the chefs on those various programs on the Food Network.   

4. Go exploring

Go out and find new places in and around your town! Maybe you’ll stumble upon a new coffee shop or boutique. It’ll also give you an opportunity to get out the house if you were binge-watching Netflix for hours on hours. 

5. Spend time with your loved ones

If you haven’t seen some of your family since Christmas, now is it the perfect time to go make some visits. They will really appreciate it! 

6. Hang out with some old friends

There is nothing like meeting up with your friends from home after not seeing them for a while. This is especially true for those in long-distance friendships. It’ll definitely make your break more fun.

7. Hang out with some new friends

Sadly, some people don’t have the same break as their friends and may have to spend it alone. If that is the case, why not go meet some new people! Easier said than done but, head down to your local cafe or bar and strike up a conversation with some people. You might be surprise and find someone who shares similar interests!

8. Give back to the community


Giving back is always great to do. If you don’t have anything planned, then you should go do some community service. You can volunteer at a soup kitchen or an animal shelter. Whatever you decide to do, just know that you’ll be doing a great thing for your community. 

9. Relax

Out of everything on this list, this is the most important. Relax as much as you can. Taking care of your body is important so taking the time to relax your mind and body after a stressful semester will help you so much. It’ll make you feel better and allow you to do the other things on this list! So take a day and do nothing. 

Alexandra Whitehead is a Senior at SUNY at Buffalo State. Originally from Virginia, she is majoring in Fashion Textile and Techonology with a concentration in Merchandising. She also has a minor in Theatre. Alexandra is a big advocate for the arts, taking great pleasure in literature, performing, and media arts. She also loves traveling and experiencing new things. In the Fall of 2014, she had the great opportunity to study abroad in London at Regents University. It was an amazing experience that taught her so much about herself and the different cultures around her. When she graduates, Alexandra aspires to be a film/television actress, owner of a eco-friendly fashion boutique, and owner of an animal rescue that saves feral cats and kittens from the streets.