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Why You Should Delete Your Instagram For a Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

By Masha Komissarova

What are the first things you do in the morning? Check all your social media platforms? Unknowingly spend 5-10 minutes on Instagram feed and then realize it’s time to go, so you skip breakfast and rush your morning, not wanting to be late to class or work? I want to tell you right now why deleting Instagram from your phone will make you happier.

1. You’ll have nothing to check in the morning.

You’ll have more time to spend on working on yourself rather than unconsciously comparing yourself to other people. Wake up early, workout, eat a good breakfast, spend time doing your makeup and getting dressed. Connect with the world and think about your day. With your cup of coffee or tea plan out what you want to accomplish and at the end of the day put a check next to those things. It will make you feel so much more productive and will motivate you to further your success.

2. It’s all fake.

Almost all people in their photos have some sort of retouching. Let’s be honest, we all do it. I do it, your best friend does it, and even the most “perfect” person does it. And all for what? Yes, of course, the “likes” but if you think about it really…for what? What can those people online give you that people in real life can’t?

3. You’ll be smarter because you’ll have time to educate yourself.

When I deleted my Instagram for a day, all of the sudden, I literally felt all the free time that I started having. And I didn’t even change my schedule, it just appeared all of the sudden. I started to read more books, watch more movies/TV shows and work out more. I benefited so much more from using that free time on myself rather than on someone else.

4. You’re not losing your friends.

Wanna hang out? Text them and go. Get up and go to the movies, go shopping, go to cafés, gym, etc. Just move. Explore the world with your own feet rather than through somebody’s else’s eyes. You will also clearly see who your true friends are and you will realize that half of the people who you follow are not your true friends. Don’t ever feel bad for unfollowing them.

5. Delete your Instagram from your phone, but still, keep in on your laptop.

We use our phones much more often than any other device, it’s constantly in our hands so it’s second nature to us to automatically go to our social media when we’re in line in Starbucks or just bored. Don’t. Listen to an interesting audiobook you’ve always wanted to read but “never had time” or listen to your favorite artist to uplift your mood. If you’re absolutely struggling, you can also log in and quickly check it on your computer.

Hopefully, I persuaded you to delete your Instagram for a day. Just try. Nothing bad will happen; all your friends won’t leave you if you won’t like their picture immediately after they post it. Take a break from stalking your crush and try to talk to him/her in person. I even suggest trying to hold on longer than one day. 2-3 days and you’ll see the difference. And remember, always put yourself first because no one else is going to do that for you. This change will let you grow both mentally and physically. Good luck!


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Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.