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Pretty Little Liars Christmas Episode Recap

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

“Got a secret can you keep it”

Me: “I missed this. I have chills.”

My friend: “Omg shut up.”

Annnnnd I’m already lost.



Sweet beret, Han.


Spencer: “Bah Humbug.”

My friend: “I already know I’m going to hate this episode.”


Snow globe from Santa with a message from A…WAIT SANTA’S A?!?!?

Okay, Mrs. D’s ghost? Really? This is what we’re doing now?


Oh my god, two of the same present…for…BETHANY?? A TWIN?!?!? Mrs. D you shady B.


“Bitches get buried.” Lol kk Hanna.


*Liars obliviously walk by unidentified person in a white cloak*

OBVIOUSLY beware of anyone who is wearing a cloak. They act like this is their first masquerade ball turned quest to find A.


Ali kissing Santa Claus? How does a girl who just came back from the dead and devotes 100% of her time to torturing people have time for love interests?


Why are Spencer and Hanna in Allison’s house? Where’s Mr. DiLaurentis? How can they just break into people’s homes?


Detective Holbrook dressed as sexy Santa. Was he the one kissing Ali? Why are all the policemen in this town so corrupt?

And why are they all young and hot???


Cece’s back… Are we supposed to care? Is this supposed to be a big reveal?

Also aren’t you wanted for murder? Is coming to a Rosewood party really the best decision?


Who is this Anne Hathaway lookalike? Like, I still don’t know.


Ali has a second passport with a different identity…how do high school girls go about doing this?


Do these girls get that not everything they come across is a clue? A jack in the box is just a toy, Hanna.


Wow Spencer gets the good friend award for sticking around to find Hanna…If I saw A wielding a knife I would’ve just yelled “BITCH RUN” and got the hell out of there.


Excuse me, Toby? What is your camera flash going to do to stop A from murdering your girlfriend and her friend?

Couldn’t they have picked a look out who didn’t have a broken leg?


Mrs. D’s ghost comes back just to tell Ali “they’re coming for you,” and then leaves.

WTF Mrs. D quit being so cryptic.


Lol @ the shirtless boyfriends (and Paige) in their Christmas boxers. Side note: How traumatizing do you think it is for all of them to hang out with their half-nude English teacher?


By the way, where are their parents? ALL of their parents are out of town on Christmas? How convenient, PLL!


Damn, can A decorate my house for Christmas?



Summer is a Boston University graduate ('15) that received a BS in Journalism with a concentration in magazine journalism. Her interests include editorial design and lifestyle, fashion, and beauty content, as she aspires to be a fashion magazine writer and editor. She is currently a fashion and beauty writer for Bustle.com and previously served as a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Boston University. Summer likes to think of herself as a lipstick enthusiast and smoothie connoisseur, so when she isn't writing for Bustle, you could probably find her sipping on a strawberry-banana smoothie and planning her next purchases at Sephora. Follow Summer on Twitter @SummerArlexis