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How to Make Your Own Ugly Christmas Sweater

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

The holiday season is upon us, so this means it’s time to break out your ugly Christmas sweaters! This month, whether you’re attending a themed party or are just feeling rather festive, sporting an ugly Christmas sweater is the surest way to get into the holiday spirit. However, if you don’t have one from last year or didn’t grab one at a thrift store during the off-season, there’s no need to fret! Here are five simple steps to make your own original DIY ugly Christmas sweater.

Step 1: Get inspired

Before you make your sweater, you need to get in the right state of mind. The holiday state of mind, that is! Watch your favorite Christmas movies, bake a batch of gingerbread cookies, build a snowman; whatever it takes for you to get inspired!


Step 2: Find a plain sweater or sweatshirt

To make your ugly Christmas sweater, you obviously need your base sweater. Go to a thrift store, or an all-purpose store like Target and pick up a plain sweater or crewneck sweatshirt, preferably in a bright shade of green or red.


Step 3: Gather holiday odds and ends

This is where your creativity comes into play. Go to a craft supplies store or rummage through your basement for leftover holiday decorations to attach on the sweater. Buttons, ribbons and decorative trims are great options to fasten along the sleeves and the bottom of the sweater. You can use pieces of felt or plain colored fabric to make holiday items like snowflakes or Christmas trees. Nothing’s stopping you from going over-the-top cheesy; throw on some tinsel, ornaments, stockings or present bows.


Step 4: Start getting crafty

In this case, more is more! Grab your glue gun, needle and thread and start getting crafty! Sketch out where you want to attach everything on the sweater, or just see where the holiday spirit takes you. You may want to chose a theme, such as snow, reindeer or gingerbread houses, and narrow down your decorations.


Step 5: Style the rest of your look

Now that your sweater is complete, it’s time to decide what else you’re wearing. Because you sweater is going to be flashy, you may want to tone down the rest of your outfit with a simple pair of leggings or jeans with boots. Or, keep up with the festiveness with a bright skirt and equally bright tights. A pair of reindeer ears or a bow in your hair couldn’t hurt too.

Now are you are all set for the holidays! Your original sweater is going to become an instant hit at your parties this season.

What are you thinking about putting on your sweater? Share in the comments section below! 

Devoted fan of ballet flats, "Breakfast at Tiffany’s," Italian desserts and pajama sets. Firm believer that I was Audrey Hepburn in my past life. Journalism sophomore at Boston University. Follow @hrh_victoria on Twitter.
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.