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5 Ways To Save Your Grade Last Minute

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

It’s never too late to turn things around. 

1. Go to office hours

Whether it’s to talk about school or just share some things about yourself, professors love when their students visit them during office hours. It may seem intimidating to talk with your professor one-on-one, but going to office hours can have a huge impact on your grade. Even if your grades aren’t exactly stellar, a professor might do you some favors on grading day if they see you putting in the effort to communicate with them. 

2. Ask about extra credit

While not every professor offers extra credit, the ones that do are giving you a generous chance to bump up your grade (so don’t take it for granted!). Even a few extra credit points could be the difference between a C+ and a B-. 

3. Ask a friend to tutor you

Don’t be afraid to ask a friend or classmate for help. Often times, it’s a lot easier (and more fun) to work with another person who can help to answer some of your questions. 

4. Make sure you don’t have any missing assignments

Check on Blackboard or with your professors to make sure that your grade isn’t suffering because of something as simple as a few missing assignments. 

5. Participate more in class

Class participation and attendance can have a huge effect on your grade. Some professors will even make participation worth up to 30%. This solution can potentially bump you up a whole letter grade in class. Too good to be true? Luckily, not this time.


Savanna Tavakoli is a 21-year-old journalism student at Boston University. Savanna plans to use journalism as a platform for educating the public about everything from current political issues to which celebrities just tied the knot. Her interests include pop culture, female empowerment, advocating for gender and sexual equality, red lipstick, m&m cookies, and binge-watching Netflix in her free time.
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.