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14 Ways to Survive Questrom’s Core

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.
It’s the moment you’ve been dreading: the junior year Cross Functional Core, which consists of Finance, Management, Operations, Technology Mangagement, Marketing, Analytics, and, most nail biting of all, your Business Plan. Throw out what you know about middle school group assignments (You may have never wanted to hear the word “team project” so little in your life).
In order to understand this curriculum to a fuller extent, I interviewed Eli Kaplan, a current junior experiencing Core. “Expect to do a lot of work!” says Kaplan.

But it can’t be all that bad, right? Here’s what to expect:

1) Buckle down because this semester, there is no slacking off.

2)  Don’t let your team do your work.

3) Although your head may be in the project, your mind needs to remember that you have other schoolwork.

4) Don’t wait until the last minute to ask your team for help.

5) Attend your meetings as if they were a part time job: On time is late and late is on time.

6) If you get distracted by your friends, don’t be in a group project with them.

7) If you want to be the group leader, you need to know every due date, always contribute, and tell others when they are slacking off.

8) If you are not the group leader, realize that, and stop telling other people what to do.

9) Contribute just as much (if not more) than everyone else.

10) Have meetings at least once a week for 1-2 hours to keep yourself and your teammates on top of your workload.

11) Meet often before assignments are due.

12) Show others that you are doing your part by always being at meetings, keeping your team up-to-date, and scheduling conflicts at least a week in advance.

13) Don’t overdo the questions. Only ask your team for help when you need it, or else you may seem useless.

14) And finally, accept that Core is hard. It requires a lot of time and effort in order to be done right (refer back Tip #1). Just stay organized and stay to the course. You will get through this!

Shannon Stocks is a Junior at Boston University in the Sargent School for Health Sciences, majoring in Speech Language and Hearing Sciences. She has always loved to write and focuses this passion on her poetry. In her free time, you can find her at spin class on Newbury Street, working on a project in the community service center, or at the Hillel House. She loves being a part of the Her Campus Team!
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.