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10 Things BU Should Teach in Class

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Whether walking down Comm Ave or sitting in the GSU, I always think of things I wish BU taught in class like people who don’t do things the way they should – or the way I would like them to. I also find myself complaining about a lot of #firstworldproblems (does anyone even hashtag that anymore?) that I would definitely take a one semester course in.

These are the top 10 classes I wish BU taught so that my life (and hopefully yours) would be a lot easier outside of class:

1. Avoiding puddles and still getting to class on time with dry socks.

2. How to successfully avoid the creeps at any party/club/bar you go to.

3. Find the eating utensil you want at 100 Bay State. The day I pick a fork on my first try will be a glorious one.

4. How to find the most comfortable but cheapest way home. Megabus users, unite! Or any traveler, unite!

5. How to pick the right table for the amount of people you are sitting with at the GSU. Stop sitting in a circle booth alone, you make everyone with more than a party of one mad. Scratch that. Everyone is mad at you.

6. How to write an essay and watch Netflix at the same time.

7. How to not feel like a bum when you go to SMG Starbucks in sweatpants.

8. How to interview well for any and every job/internship. Something practical that literally everyone can benefit from.

9. How to come up with legitimate excuses for getting out of things, especially when you just want to stay in bed (i.e., class or your roommate’s sorority philanthropy event).

10. Get a 4.0 this semester without trying ridiculously hard 101.

There you have it! I know that I’m not the only one who wishes that these classes existed…

Jomarie "Jo" Polanco is a sophomore at Boston University studying Nutritional Sciences in Sargent College. She loves everything about health and nutrition and sees herself helping to stop the obesity epidemic in her future. To read more from Jo, you can follow her personal health and nutrition blog at www.breathelivefit.blogspot.com!
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.