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You Know You’re a Senior If…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.


1.      You hate hearing the “G” word and will do everything to avoid talking about it:


2.      You’re over trying to impress people around campus:


3.      You don’t ever want to leave your friends’ sides because you already miss them:


4.      When people ask you about your future, you cringe:


5.      … or cry, because either way you have NO idea what you want to do:


6.      You’re attending every career-building, future-evaluating workshop at the career center to help:


7.      You count down the hours until you can go home to your box of wine because you’re just that stressed about school, and more importantly getting a job:


8.      When the weekend finally rolls around, you party like you’re still a freshman:


9.      …and end up with a hangover that’s worse than ever before:


10.   If one more underclassman asks if you’re sad about leaving Bryant, you’ll lose it:


11.  …Because yes, you ARE sad, but mostly jealous of the fact that they have two years left and you don’t:


12.  In the end, you know you had the best time, at the best school, and you can’t wait to live it up the rest of the year: